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Archive through December 09, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tragic slip and fall accident at Best Buy store!!
Watch your step!


Now, what would have a bar of soap been doing on that curb?

They never touched his knees. That would have been a constant reminder of what comes around ............
I sure hope that laptop is ok.

You realize now the "reverends" will be notified and this will be nothing more than a racist issue. obama will probably step in and say, "this could have been my son". Best Buy will probably end up with a massive law suit against them...and lose.

You gotta love that police report.

God bless the Marines!
It's cold, alright. I just saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets.
I think I should answere Cathleen's question from the sandbox over hear.
"How cold is it?"

Or betteryet, this "witch",