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Archive through December 07, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Snowthrower and tire chains...ON. This old cub is ready for winter!

Edward "Hot Rod" Lincoln - geez, been awhile again. I need to check for something new on your refurb post. So I see you must'a made the trek down to Steve. Now, just what are you gonna do with a snow/dozer blade. I heard tell of some snow last night north of here about 20 miles. Do you get it down your way? Otherwise I guess you're probably stuck using the Dozer part - and if you're like the rest of us, we all like to take a doze now and then
Say I can't tell very well from the pic but it looks like it's mostly surface rust so it should blast off pretty straight forward. Couple things, when you dis-assemble be careful with those springs. I'd probably unbolt that large nut on the bottom and see if you can work the A-frame apart before attempting to spring the springs off. Ooh, and on the skidders, wanted to make sure you noticed there is a nut actually welded to the frame so don't try removing that one. There is supposed to be another nut on top to hold the skidder in place but often it's gone. Make sure you post some pics as you go thru it. I'm sure alot of us would like to see you work it back to "like new" condition. And then we'll be waiting to see it mounted on your 127.

Wayne S - congrats on your 1A tiller and really nice of you to help out a fellow Cubber. Those guys with double degrees need double the help. I am sorta wondering tho. You mentioned your trip and carb help was all pre-planned with no pay involved. Was the tiller apart of that deal?

Kraig - Oh Great One Keeper of the Photos - Norm asked for a pic of an "original" 1450 tail light. Now just how do we know for certain those are "original" 1450 tail lights? They look just like the ones on my 169. We need to be able to read the name on the lenses. Then we can decide if they are "original" or the later replacements.

Jeff - if that is the donor handle, have you decided what you're doing?

Mike E - now just how can that be????? You must at least had to pay the expense of hauling 2 of them away, or are you saying someone left 2 on your door step? Dang, I wouldn't even want to guess which 2.

Steve S - "Nice". I like the 6-12 rear tires too.
Thanks Kraig,
I was wondering if they were the square or round type.
Norm - yes the original tail lights for a 1450 were the square type, and yes when they are mounted you can still see half a a hole thru the fender on each side of the lense mount - but that's the way IH did it. The next big question is the "original" name brand of the lenses. I don't recall the name off hand, but the replacement lenses came from a different name supplier.
Harry ...
they are Bargman.378-SAE-P2-A-75
The bases say Reflectolite on them.
Harry B.
QL's had lights as well as reflectors.
The lights are Bargman 378's.

And the reflectors were Reflect-O-Lite's.

I've got a service bulletin around here that states when they were changed.
Thanks Gerry, Kraig


The tiller was advertised on another forum. I answered the ad with interest and one thing lead to another. I paid the asking price for the tiller. I have talked with him since I posted. He went home and mowed 2/3 of an acre and said the 149 worked great. He also mentioned just bringing the tractor here for me to do some major stuff on in the dead of winter. He is also moving further west soon to the mountains of NC and his trip would be about 4 hours each way. I'm leaving it up to him and playing it by ear.

That much work is gonna cost him. I'll be a nice guy once or twice (you see, one of his degrees is ministry...as in ordained) but my hero Eastwood taught me about having limits (or was it another Harry?).
Hydro, they might be replacements. The photos are some I cropped, the original photos were taken by Chris Bennett of his 1650.
Actually Harry, one was delivered (from my next door neighbor). The other cost about $50 in gas, but that's not bad for a loader!