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Archive through December 07, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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KRAIG - Yep, Them 72/104/105/124/125's Are just the Cutest, Most AWESOME tractors whether it's plowing soybean ground or SNOW! The Ultimate Cub Cadet for Sure! Guess that's why they made them for so many years Huh? ;-) (excuse Me while I run for shelter now before all the flaming starts...)
Couldn't agree with you more about the slant grills.

So. Are you a member of the SGHC?
Slushie Spoo can from when I was working on the 782D, and the entire rearend decided to puke out all the HyTran. . .Super was added when I picked up the 1872SGT. . .Kraig might have that pic. Was about 1 year ago.

Hydros are useful, but my true love is the gear jammers. The 1872 is for mowing and some snow removal, and will probably plow this spring. 582 will be back-up mower and next Plow Project tractor.
Howdy Ray,

Well not a paying member, I have a 123 which is almost a Slanty I guess.

I just could not resist a cheep shot like that.
Though I am becoming more and more of a 82 fan.
Can someone tell me where I can find the wire gauge used on an original wiring harness, I have looked but cannot locate this info, thanks.
John, I'm not sure what gauge the wires on an Original are, but for $50 you can get a brand new complete wiring harness from CC Specialties, see link above.
Ray -

Can't see ya thru the fog...

I think I know how you feel. I tried my 169 + QA42A out last night and what an experience that was. I had a few things working against me though. I started as the sun went down but the snow was still a little sticky (plugging), the drifts were about 2 1/2 feet where I was trying to "break out", on gravel, on a hill, and I had never used a tractor mounted thrower before. Two hours later I had a 42" by 10' foot path cleared.


Quick question: How tight is the belt from the PTO to the blower suppose to be? I had to really tighten it up or else the auger would just stop, and the belt would squeal. I wasn't pushing it speed wise, infact I would just touch the snow and it would stop. I thought I had it setup just the way the manual instructed me to...

Ray and Denny I couldn't agree with you more... { personaly I didn't like them till I bought one} ..they are one of a kind of like the 2+2s

(Message edited by rdehli on December 09, 2003)
Bryan-I can't imagine that was sarcasm,especially from you!
You might want to take off the blower and weights and put on the bilge pump and pontoons...
Tim K:

I noticed your occupation. Are you a PLS.

I am a PLS and the surveying is where I find all of my cubs. Get to look behind all of the buildings and in other palces as well as a lot of country roads too.
Where and what size nails do I get for framing a wall?? I have some crap Home depot nails and they keep bending when I'm any where near a knot!!! Near, not on it, near it!!!! Man I'm ready to start throwing tools and lumber?!?!?!!?
You have to hit the nail on the head. Work pretty good if you hit it straight too.
Tedd -

I know a VP over at Home Despot, he flies to China damn near every month to find you those special bendable nails!

Kevin -

Sarcasm? Moi??

No, really, I got off the subway around noon and couldn't even see the UFO, I mean Soldier Field, let alone the museum he's at...
If you guys think Home Depot has cheap stuff, try Menards, all thy carry is junk! <font size="-2">(trying to be nice here)</font>

(Message edited by thoffman on December 09, 2003)
Are you sure that the "Slushie Spoo" moniker has nothing whatsoever to do with that obscene act that Jonathan & I caught you in the middle of with a snowman last spring? You remember the one, it was at first thaw.

One of those things that make you go "Hmmmmm...."

As usual, always here to help! :eek:)
I got ya on the first point, but the second one is subjecive. I will get out the high speed camera and check my form.

I'm guessing the Ace is not any better. Maybe I will check with the contractor at work. I'll see if he will lone me his pneumatic nailer...
I've found that fasteners from Home Depot have a lot left to be desired.

I'd assume you're not using an air nailer, you're looking for 16p nails then ("16 penny"). You might try Menards if you can find one, most professionals I know, if they dont' have access to a good local lumber yard will go to a Menards or Lowes. Best practice is to find somewhere that sells nails by weight, not by the box (unless it's something like a 30# box).

Also, there's cement coated nails out there, usually a red coating, the coating heats up as the nail's driven in, they're hard as heck to pull, but they work great. Unless you need them, they're probably not worth the money.