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Archive through August 23, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don Tanner... Did you get drenched up there?

Look what followed me home today... The correct blower for my 149. I have been using a modified NF unit prior, the chute hit the nose...



Very good condition, turns freely, auger straight.. not bad for 100 clams.. Any guesses on what it was mounted to? (bonus ?)

On the way to pick it up, I Spy...


It is in fair shape, how rare are these, and was it fabbed or did they come that way?
Matt S, I was looking through the list of old posts and saw your question about the CCO Hydro and yes it was me.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Lewis Palma (Lpalma) on Friday, August 21, 2009 - 10:39 pm:

Ryan Wilke
3020245 It is a sticker not a plate<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Ryan D Wilke (Rwilke) on Saturday, August 22, 2009 - 08:58 am:

Lewis P.,
Thanks for the reply.
It appears your engine has a manufacture date of May 1969, per the FAQ #10; https://www.ihcubcadet.com/IHCCFAQ/IH%20LOUISVILLE%20WORKS%20SN.htm <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

In reviewing some of the collected data, I see I made an error.

Lewis P., your engine manufacture date was 1971, not 1969.
I looked at the tractor table - but should have referred to the engine table. http://cubfaq.com/kohler_engine_specs.html

Ryan Wilke

It's mine now... see below...
Scott Tanner... We did get rain sideways lol, the winds were strong and a big surf ,the storm hit us at high tide and some roads were washed out and a gift shop at Peggy`s Cove was floated away.the next day at a camping ground on the beach was closed,the beach is spread back 75 ft and washed up into 3 rows of camping spots. about a 5 ft rise from the shore. I live between 3 big hills and well it did get all the dead limbs were
there down i was able to get some seat time on my 149.Frank is sending me some Cub parts and then more on my 129 . Later Don T
Scott Tanner - This shredder must have been made for IH by Kemp who sold out to Mackissic (sp). I have one that looks very similar to this one except it has the chipper off of the side. It's called the Mighty Mac by Mackissic. If this one has it (chipper) I can't see it in the pic. I have a Kemp pull behind as well and both are green (I pull it with my John Deere so as not to clash). I just found out about the IH 59M shredder and have been looking. Good find! Wayne
59P... must stand for Portable...
This is located at an old farm that had a 147 for sale that i missed buying by minutes.... grrrr. If anyone would be interested in having it, I could probably get it for a song...
MY 147 is 386177 with a two dipstick K321.
Serial 3056892
The 6099 and 6099A are the same engine except the A means special oil pan, correct?