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Archive through June 11, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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so once a path starts it just keeps going. like a pin hole in a dam.
Lucas got it right. Time to give ol' Kentuck a holler. Hope he's not gone fishin for the weekend!
Just cross your fingers and hope she doesn't say: "PAINTJOB"!!!
James McD - Some of us see things a lot more clearly as the light begins to fade ...

Bruce - To counter yer <font color="119911">KEYS</font> <font color="000000">I have an <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> key that I scanned years ago , but I'm not searching for it !

Harry - I guess when I quit spending 12 hour nights on the lake giving fishin' lessons

Ryan - Stop beating around the bush , if ya got something to say well spit it out ...

Digger - Man you just need to come down and get my Hydrostatic converted PAYLOADER !!
It's about to find a new home one way or another ...

mmmmmmm I smell arc gouged aluminum
James - Any Kohler part is worth fixing, even if it's green ! They don't make old parts anymore.

Is it fixable ? YEP Is it worth it ? That's your call , but if you don't have it fixed I'd like to buy it from you.
Frank - I forgot to ask , what'd that deere dress out at ? I see it's got the front tire squished down on the Cub ... deere must'a been full of you know what !
Ken--- time for the grey putty! I have always wanted to know what it is good for! Found more welding wire at a yard sale. 045 outershield this time. Guess that a cub box blade might happen after all.
today turned out to be a great day. the light set for my 128 i bought from Hydro Harry came in the post today. i installed it and you would almost swear it can on the tractor from the factory it matches so well. pics to come in the morning