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Archive through August 16, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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A woman takes a lover home during the day, while her husband is at work. Unbeknownst to her, her 9 year old son was hiding in the closet.

Her husband comes home unexpectedly, so she puts the lover in the closet with the little boy.

The little boy says, "Dark in here."
The man says, "Yes it is."
Boy- "I have a baseball."
Man- "That's nice."
Boy- "Want to buy it?"
Man- "No, thanks."
Boy- "My dad's outside."
Man- "OK, how much?"
Boy- "$250."

In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the mom's lover are in the closet together.

Boy- "Dark in here."
Man- "Yes, it is."
Boy- "I have a baseball glove."
The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, "How much?"
Boy- "$750."
Man- "Fine."

A few days later, the father says to the boy, "Grab your glove. Let's go outside and toss the baseball back and forth."

The boy says, "I can't. I sold them."
The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?"

The son says "$1,000."

The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that.

That is way more than those two things cost. I'm going to take you to church and make you confess."

They go to church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the door.

The boy says, "Dark in here."
The priest says, "Don't start that sh*t again."
She more chest hair than I do

I think Charlie likes the big ****s . lol

no more posting for Allen, My eyes are burning... no wait
Sorry every one about the wretching picture I posted earlier.
Here is the origional text that came with the pix.
Explains a lot !

There is something to be said about a Burka.

I can see now why the Arab men want to make their women wear them. Their culture does not allow them to display the Arab woman's natural beauty. Click on the picture of the Burka below and you'll see what I mean.

Man is that bad. I think I will need a new keyboard after that....no, not coffee this time
I think puke!! Washing eyes out with Hy-Tran
They dressed the truck up with the guy tied down on the roof.
The driver and passengers put on Moose heads.
Then they went down the toll road Interstate, causing 16 accidents.
Yes; they went to jail...
Yes; alcohol was involved...

This proves that men cannot be left alone!
Charlie, careful around your way. Seems some moose are loose and having a good time. Ya, I know, its says guys in costume. Dont believe it. They'tre practicing to be the new Santa sleigh pullers...they're all gonna have 'glowing noses'!
Allen,, We are waiting for you redemption picture before you post again
Picture this:
Train crash - Liza and Rasmus thrown out-
Rasmus finds Liza and says "Liza - am you hurt?"
Liza says "Oh, Rasmus, I's split from ******* to bellybutton".
Rasmus says "I know that, Liza, but am you hurt?"