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Archive through August 02, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2005
Ron R. Schmitt
Greg L.,

A 109 has the durable K241 10 hp engine. There is some thought that the 105, 107 and 109 models were a little underpowered with the hydro transmission. When IH introduced the Quietline models, they didn't offer a 1050 model (10 hp w/hydro). It can easily handle a 38" or 42" deck. A 44" deck will work it a bit in tall grass but if you mow weekly, it won't be a problem. 109's are not as common as the 129 model but they aren't as rare as the 86, 800 or 169 models. Sounds like this 109 you are looking at has been well cared for so go for it.
One of my rare questions, LOL
Even Rob Houtz is puzzled by this deal.
A guy says that he took this starter off a 1250,

And all QL starters that I have seen other than the 800 looks like this,

Looks to me like he has a 800 starter on his 1250.

I'm a little biased when it comes to 1x9s...I like them all. I used a 109 that's still out there until the engine got "tired" so I parked it. I have since acquired another rebuilt K241 that's an exact match so it will be working again soon. I still have the trunion slot/linkages to refurbish but I remember it all worked well when being used.

I'd definitely go for it and get that 109.

109,........and if you ever feel under powered, just swap in a 12 or 14 from another xx8/9....it's all bolt and go with 10,12,14hp Kohlers in a wide frame.
Question of the day:

Why is it the front rims seem to get ugly(rusty) before the rear? My 149 is like it, the 127 was like that before blasting/painting them.

I was noticing the picture posted of the 109 and the mind started wandering.....

Probably deck throwing abrasive dirt and acidic grass clippings right at the wheels all the time as you mow.
Since this is question day.....
Why are cubs for sale on CL listed so much higher this time of year?

One person had a 70 with lights and fenders in fair condition for $650 and a tranny with a rear pto for $450.
They got gone in two days.
The only cub I paid over $450 for was an O that had lights, fenders, and a deck, and was in real nice shape.

I was interested in the tranny with the pto, but was leary about the internal condition.
Are trannys with the rear pto going for this much?

I would think $250 would be a gracious plenty for one.
Followed me home today
A 1650, looks kinda used up.
PO said he had spent big buck$ on the engine several years ago.
I have yet to see where. PTO works and engine cranks.
I'll have engine out for inspection in the morning.
Wiring is all screwed up needs a new ign switch and tires are shot.Starter looks to be a new one.
Engine will go in my engine-less at the moment 1650 that shelled the crank and flywheel last fall.


Marty-I think it to be the nature of the market now it seems that all older garden tractors are over priced on C/L,I’ve noticed the same trend in my neck of the woods also..quite a while ago there was a rear end with a pto for sale around here on C/L for 350.00 I was naive and passed it by,I still kick myself everytime I think on it for not grabbing it and holding it for a future project......Live and Learn LOL
Thanks guys, for your input on the 109. I'll have my bidding number in hand on Saturday morning.

Gerry - I like your trouble-shooting (Digger - I've detected the problem... it starts with "A guy says....")

You can find cubs fairly decent priced around here any time, except for during the summer.
During the summer, they are priced about double for what they go for any other time.
What's up with that?

Oh, almost forgot...…..i'ts FRIDAY!!!!!
That don't mean anything for all you retired guys, but for us who still have to work, it's a couple days of freedom!!!
Marty - I recently asked a retired person how they keep track of what day it is after they retired. He said it's easy; you have six Saturdays, and then a Sunday! I have 422 days to go before I switch over to that calendar. If I pick up that 129 at auction tomorrow, it'll probably sit in storage until then. Then, my bride will be happy to have me spend all day in the garage & not in the house!

A guy's gotta have a plan, right?
Dave, nice find, looks like it's worth the new tires that are on it,
Oh....there's that Oldsmobile in the back ground.....
I'm looking at getting an electric lift for my 127. I found one, but says non functional. Will it likely just need brushes? I need all the associated hardware that comes with it so I'm thinking of getting it. What's the worst that can happen?
I'm jealous!

OK, now we want to see the drill that bit goes in!


I always give whatever I am interested in a good looking over.
If it don't have a lot of rust, or a lot of wear, it should be worth the investment.
The worst thing that could happen is that you don't get it!

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