Hello everyone, sure was scared tuesday afternoon. I decided to go an a little joy ride that afternoon on the 1250 to check the lower fence and watergate in the creek, got about as far from the house as I could get and that thing started smoking as bad as any machine I ever saw. Couldnt walk home so I had to ride it, just knowing each inch closer was another scrape in a cylinder wall. Got it home and it had sucked over half the oil out through the combustion chamber. Soon after I got home a friend came over, I showed it to him after refilling with oil. He suggested we put some Sea Foam in it and run it. We did and after about 20 minutes it quit smoking,( had been smoking very moderately
for some time) and seems noticeably stronger. Anyone had this to happen or have any ideas as to why it started while running fine(about 2/3s throttle) and in no strain?????????