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Archive through April 28, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
I think those would be called door prizes for the next PD!
It was snowing up here yesterday not enough to need the snowthrower though.
Thanks for the welcome.
I have read the faq as well as the archives. A lot of knowledge about cubs herebouts.

I found my problem with my mule drive. From pics posted here. I have been missing some of it for the whole time I have owned my 149! 6 years it mowed without so much as needing a belt. Finally did need a belt changed it and problems started.

I repaired it based on information gotten here so many thanks.

Those hydros. Marvelous things...................
Tom E., good to hear that your 149's mower is functional again. Is it possible that the missing part(s) went missing when the belt broke?
Kraig, I'm thinking I couldn't give them away ;-)

I will have a small chunk of change in filters though, that will just get thrown away :-(
Travis, you could mount them on a board and have them on display at the next Plow Day with a stack of new Cub Cadet filters for sale next to it.
Nope parts were missing without me thinking anything about it.

I bought it because I always wanted a cub fixed a broken drive shaft and been mowing happily since day one until start of mowing this year.

I think the strech in the original belt was what allowed it to work so graciously all those years.

It was missing the slack adjuster on the right side. Nothing there but the spring. I fashioned something close and walla.

Excellent Idea, Kraig..

perhaps a FAQ about "what filter is ok to use in my cub?" then put the picture in... JMHO
I'm trying to finish up on my 109 & have a seat cushion Question. My search found my same ? but not an answer Hope you can help.
My pan is in ok cond but the foam & cover are history, I went to an upholstry shop & mid to end of July $150. -$200 ouch I've looked at the sponsors above & maybe my ? should be to them but what are the options, can I get a cushion & cover only & put it on here TIA Don

Less the $50 should get you a nice brand new high-back factory replacement seat from the sponsors.....why fart around with it.....}
Thanks Steve,I'll do just that.It just seems strange these guys will do 2 boat seats for $20. within a day also $50. US is always double ++ for me to get landed in Vic & thats if it dosen't get held up at customs. You guys are so lucky. Thanks again
Don B,
Have everything shipped Global Priority Mail and it does not have to go through Customs. I do it all the time, and things get to you in 3 to 5 days.
Gang, I gotta put new tires on my 72, well I don't have to but I'd rather have ags than chains and the fronts are all dryrotted. Where should I get them? I've looked at Miller tire, does one of our sponsors have 'em?
Any opinions on what to get? I'm thinking ags for the back and ribs for the front. Ideas?
This afternoon we took the the cub for its first run since the R&R, I'm surounded by 30 acres of park & within this area there is a freshly plowed field for potatos, wished I could say I plowed it (well why can't I) the cub perfomed flawlessly. The field was plowed by an IH.
My yougest on the left & oldest on the 109
Just another great day for cubbin...
My friend is going to be boring out my cylinders on my KT17 Engine tomorrow after work. We are boring it .010 over and I have the new pistons and rings. While he was at work today he was looking over the service manual I left him and he was unsure of what the piston to bore clearance should be. he figured that the manual calls it "Piston Thrustface to bore running at .006/.008" But wants to make sure. He said that seems alot, but I figured it was because of having cast iron cylinders and aluminum pistons; ya know alumnium expands much faster than cast iron. He's use to working on snowmobile and dirt bike engines and says that is alot of slop!

Thanks for the help!

The clearance is right. Just make sure you measure the piston the correct way for the style of piston as it is shown in the Service Manual, then add .006 to get your minmimum Bore Diameter. Kenny
I'm assuming that the .006/.008 spec. you speak of is the correct diametral clearance for the style of piston you are using. Kenny

that is another good question. I looked on page 7 of the PDF Service manual and it just list the .006/.008 under that engine. I looked at page 44 and it talks about boring and honing the cylinders but doesn't say anything about the clearances being the same or different with the oversized pistons that are available.


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