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Archive through April 28, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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My 149 needs clutch brake adjustment I think. Foot pedal is very hard to push and does not come back up. Lever is floppy loose. Runs and pulls fwd well. To disengage and start I must pull back on lever very hard. To go in reverse I must pull back very very hard????
my 1650 loader has a lack of movement when i put it in reverse, forward is excellant, but reverse has a hard time geting over small logs and twigs etc. any advice where i should start tearing this thing apart e-mail me [email protected]
Nothing like a quote from Hydro Harry. I'll bet the message that quote was taken from was a long one. I sure do miss those multi-subject messages from Mr. Bursell
So in setting up my "new" K181 I find that the throttle control lever has an operation range of something like 1/4-1/2" while it has an actual throw of something like 1-1 1/2". Thus its quite sensitive. I noodled with it some when I first put the motor in last week and some more today when I was first starting it up but its still not real satisfactory. Anybody got a primer or is that the way they all are?
Its a heck of alot better than it was when I got it, the connection from the carb to the govenor lever was binding and it was danged hard to get the throttle to move, so I've got some improvement but I'd like some more.
Bob & Francis,
Check No.14 in the FAQ and your problems will be solved.
Curt R,
So your sayin that your working on your engine without a manual? Even one that you can download or print for free?
Say it ain't so Curt!
Au contraire Charlie, I have a manual but I don't understand it. I had a heck of a time getting the front PTO clutch off for instance, the manual is a bit vauge...
Its also entirely unclear on adjusting the govenor, or maybe I just don't get it.
What all did ya do to the carb? Did ya rebuild it? Change the throttle shaft bushing? and on and on and on.
Harvey W:

Attached, is a Wiring Schematic for a 782. You could have either a bad PTO Switch or a bad Relay. With a VOM meter, you can trace the problem down. The Relay is attached to the Pedistal on the left side. See attached pic's.
Parts can be obtained from any of the Forum Sponsors or your Local CC Dealer.



Hope this helps,
Curt R. -

The PTO's on the engines are not from Kohler, so of course removal/installation instructions wouldn't be in the Kohler manual. They were added by the tractor manufacturer's to fit the application, so in this case you'd need to have the Cub Cadet manuals as well. You know, the manuals we list in the FAQ...
I finished plowing my brothers garden. I think I will need more weight just to be safe. We bolted on some extra barbell weights and I had to take the bucket off. It looks funny but it was a good test. I was cutting some thick sod. The ground was still a little damp. No dust just mud.
Anyways I'm ready to go.

Fall plow day here I come!


I picked up some parts at my Cub Cadet dealer today. While I was there I got to talking to the parts guy about the discussion on this board regarding hydro filters.

We talked for quite a while......and he told me that Fleetguard makes the 'Cub Cadet' filters.

I brought up the NAPA filters....1 of the NAPA filters will cross to both the IH and Cub Cadet numbers, and the other NAPA filter will only cross to the IH number. He said that is probably because the filter that cross's to both numbers meets both IH's requirements, and MTD's. The other must not meet the criteria that MTD currently has.

I also asked about 'Those fancy blue Cub Cadet hats' (there was a bunch of them sitting on their fileing cabinets) and he gave me and another guy that was there getting parts one.....cool! Also, every time I have been in there, they have popcorn, hot dogs, chips, and a cooler full of pop sitting next to a '62 Original in the front corner of the showroom.

I got my 1250 put back together, and the 44A deck got a coating of slip plate, along with a new set of blades. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be a little nicer.....the yard needs mowed!
Wild Man,
All my NAPA dealer wants to do is take your $$ and usually doesn't even have what you need. Went there a while ago to get a set of points, and the kid behind the counter had noooooo idea of what I was speeking of. 8-(.

Well today Chris "Bubba" Engelking became a new member of the Haban Club, Rick Monday joined the Rototiller Regiment, and I enlisted in the Wide frame, Low horsepower Grinder Group. Thanks guys!!

Now to get ready for the big Turf/lawn tractor Auction tommorrow in Hampshire.
I'm bringing Tom over to the Dark side!
Sooner or later he's going to pop a gear drive into his smoker

I'll probably see you around the auction. Looks like I'm going to go try and hunt down a decent zero turn for a friend at work.
If you heard some loud grunting in central northern IL Friday that was probably me wrestling the parts man for my wallet. I bought the belts for the tiller I just got. That long one was $55.62! Uuuugh that smarts. What's in them, gold reinforcing strands?
Wasn't it Rumplestilskin (sp) that was spinning straw into gold???? <font size="-2">(Boy, am I old or what!)</font> Maybe he's working out in back for the belt guy.
Still headed to an auction today? It sounded like there were a couple of people going. Let us know of any "finds".
I am rebuilding a 169 engine. I am thinking about leaveing out the balance gears.I have read that removeing them has no affect on vibration. Any pros or cons? thank you.}}
Just called one of the sponsors for my piston tolerance question. They said that it is for all oversized pistons.

Thanks for the help!


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