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Archive through April 27, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kendell, actually the one piece loop version came first as it was used on the 123.... that is the version that I was referring to as being used for cooling.


Perhaps I should have put an "s" at the end of "elbow version".
The different versions I have seen also depends on what options the unit has. Most tractors without hydraulics have the 1 piece or looped line and the tractors with hydraulics have the 3 piece line. Unfortunately I found out the hard way that the 1 piece will not always work when putting hydraulics on a tractor. When I put the ported hydro and hydraulics on my 129, I had to go back and get the 3 piece line to finish the job. When I did it to my 109, I had bought a rolling chassis and just transfered all the parts.
OK, I was referring just to 129's...Per Matt, the last two styles are interchangeable, so if'n there's still a problem, then one of our fine sponsor's will get the call....
Wes - crossed lines in typing..
Maybe my 129 had the line replaced and the dealer only had the 3 piece (definitely doesn't have hydraulics - at least not yet). If that's the case, it was done before '85 and the PO had it since new - he never mentioned any problems with it (and I worked with him even before he bought it new..)
Looks like ya better bring an air compressor along with batteries and ether.... I've heard the "ran x years ago when parked" a lot of times, too...
Got a bit of seat time Sunday cleaning up branches blown off during the all day Saturday wind.

I tried to convince my wife that I need a new lawn trailer this summer,

For some reason she just aint letting me

Wisconsin weather, you got to love it or pack up and move.
Sunday was a nice day to work out in the yard, this morning I wake up this this,

Hey all, ran across a Cub with serial num. 82816 me thinks it a 70 or 100. The exhaust exits the block on a 45 deg. angle 10hp? tags to far gone to read. Any thoughts on how tell for sure?
Hey Bubba, Maybe we can find a field out there that needs some plowing while we're at it. STILL ain't looking good for field work with this rain! ;-(
Ken I.,
What year is your 129? My 109 and 129 are both mid 73 models. They may have went to only one style later in the series to save stocking 2 styles when the single type was gone.
HELP.........My wife wants me to buy a Crapsman rider to cut the grass, what do I do ?
Charlie, I need some snow blade parts, anything salvageable on that crash test donor you have there?
Brad here is the perfect opertunity to find another cub and tell you bought it for her.

Take the $$ for the "NEW" Crapsman, buy two Ol' cubbies, and spend the rest on beer. You won't hear the bitchin' and you'll have a better tractors to boot!
There is a cub dealer down the road that would be more than happy to help you out of your situation. His are all new I bought the last antique.
Hi , I'm pretty new to the cubs. I have a 1650 with K321. This is a starter pulling tractor for my son and daugther. Wrong size engine isn't the problem. The darn thing won't charge. I tested the stator like the manual said to, got .1-.2 ohms across both ac leads and no short to ground on either lead. But at hi idle I only get about 11-12 volts AC across the leads should be 28 or more. So if stator passes 1 test and fails another is it bad or good. Or maybe I should just try replacing the voltage regulator.
And another ? if I run the engine at hi idle and the hydro full ahead after 30 sec. the engine just about stalls out. I put a carb kit in before I had the engine running I think it might be draining the bowl. I cleaned the gas tank ,new filter large one too. Is it possible the hole in the seat isn't large enough to supply ample amount of gas for full power runs.

Thank Jed

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