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Archive through April 22, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Good Evening Gentlemen,
I have a question I have a cub 106. I was wondering if anyone has ever put an electric pto on this model. From what i can see it should work if you wire it in.

thank you
I almost forgot, the QL driver plate also takes this little pilot hub do-hickie. PN/ IH-126205-C1
I also see that the Quietline 3-pin driver has one drive pin longer than the other two...
1 pin being longer doesn't matter, it is just for the anti rattle clip. I think the drive cup that attaches to the flywheel is different as well. The AQS motor has recess to hold the bearing/cup on the back of the driver.
Ryan M., according to the parts lookup. the drive cup part # for a 128 and 1000 are the same.
Hi guys, I'm new. I've got a model 70 1970 cub that I've been working on. I took what I thought was the best of a lot of three my dad was given. Just when I thought I was all set with the replacment belts to mow, I made one pass along the driveway, went to put it into reverse to dodge the mailbox, and the transmission is stuck in gear. The shift lever is free over it's whole range of motion, there's no grab like its trying to shift into gear. I've looked through the archive but it seems like this could be caused by any number of problems. Where's the simplest place to start trouble shootinng?
Thanks for posting the pic of those two clutch drivers together. I've never seen them side-by-side, so it's a nice comparison.
Pull the transmission, and remove the shifter and cover from the top of the trans case.

My guess is that the shifter came out of the shift-gates, but that could be just a sign of deeper issues (like cracked shift forks) but looking down in the tranny from where the shifter cover is removed will tell a lot.

Let us know what you find...
Kendell, thats about exactly what I had in mind! And I was wondering... could you give any details on your headlights on that tractor, I actually think they look pretty good.