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Archive through April 19, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2005
Donald Tanner
Ray Leo
i would like to get the tin for my tiller. I don`t know what a complete tiller would sell for. so I have no clue what to give for just the tin over the tines. That is the reason for this question. I will try to install what I have next week on my 149 just to see if it works.Thanks Don T
Hey Don. I've got four tillers here in Idaho. I gave 400 for the first one, but it came with a 1450, mower deck and extra belts (including that looooong one). I gave 50 for another in excellent shape, $20 for a 1a without extensions in usable shape and I was given one that needs a bunch of work. The last two didn't come with the mule drive and gearbox. I live in an area with a lot of small farms so there were probably a lot of them sold around here. I know of at least four others who have one.
But, if I lived in Canada or Alaska I'd think they would be much harder to find and more expensive. Not much help but that's my tiller experience.
Anyone have a good source for "high Lift blades for my Cub 122? 48" deck
Shane Peterson

Thanks for that info , since I only need the tin for the tiller I will have to make an offer for it.I do need to install the tiller to see if it is working.I will make up my mind then. thnks Don T
David P.
There is no such thing, other than gator blades.
And you'll still have the have the newer style 48" deck, unless your real lucky.
Charlie- Well the deck on this old girl is pretty blocky, I think if I run a tape measure on it it measures 49+ inches wide. Not a stamped metal deck. I figured it was stock standard deck.
It seems like the front tires flatten the grass before the blades go over it. I get an uneven cut after the grass comes back to life. Someone suggested getting "high lift" blades to help lift the grass so I can get a better cut. Never bought a set of blades for it- but I usually sharpen them every year or so...Would the Gator Blades help at all? Dave
I had a tiller but sold it. The hard clay soil where I live gave my 147 a real work out. The tractor shook side to side. I now use a dedicated tiller for the garden. My back doesn't ache anymore either!

It sounds like you need to check the adjustments on your undercarriage. You shouldn't be able to see any evidence of the front tires causing cutting problems. Equal tire inflation is pretty important as well. Gator blades aren't designed for lift as much as "mulchability". If you have a flat, concrete area you can see and adjust the deck easier. Make sure you lower it to your cutting height too and that it goes down (operates) level.


I think there are a lot of determining things with buying something like a tiller shroud. Have you looked at it? Are bolt holes wallowed or cracked? How much will it take to put that new skin on it? How did the guy end up with a tiller shroud? I bet he might have a naked tiller around somewhere. And remember, how many people does he have coming to look at a tiller shroud...I bet not many. While dealing with him I'd ask about the gearbox, etc. I remember you posted that you had the small belt cover. That's usually the first part that goes. You definitely need the shroud so just take it from there.

Good luck to both of you.
I removed a set of loaded rear tires from my project 149, it apears to be antifreeze.

I dont have time money to mess with them right now. So I was wondering how to save the rims.
The tires themselves are shot. Any ideas?

I thought about just sawzalling them off and washing the rims off. Or should I just leave them sit

Antifreeze won't bother the rims too much...I'd just leave them be until you need them for something.
Ray, I grew up in Maryland where the soil was RED and slippery when wet. Spent a lot of time behind my dad's Troybuilt. Great tiller and it still bucked like a mule in that clay! Pretty much cured me of wanting a garden when I got older. LOL
Procrastination finally caught up with me tonight. I have been meaning to put a large key chain on the key for my "O" but put it off. Well with that said while I was aerating the lawn I lost my key, hope the sponsors sell ignition switches. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Tim, Time to drag a big magnet around the yard. You will be amazed what you will find... And it's great for cleaning the shop floor and driveway too!
Thanks Rob K. I am crossing my fingers that on my daily poop scoop run that I will find it. I find everything else that way especially things I am not looking for. lol. And I know what you mean about maryland clay, ridiculous here I cannot grow good grass but if I could find a market for weeds I would be a rich man
With Tims luck, it was probabily a brass key and not magnetic! But things should look up during the daylight
<font size="-2">(Lets hope the key isn't under a dog poop!)</font>
I came across this rearend with pto and was able to trade a few things I didn't need for it. It didn't come out of a cc but is IH. I'm now wondering if I can just exchange the guts in my 100 and end up with a rear pto.




I think the engage lever is a little different and things like that are where I would like input. I don't care to wee wee in the wind but I'd like a rear pto on the 100 if possible.

All response appreciated.
Ray...its about that time of year again to get the tiller out
... if it would ever stop raining. However the 129 is still awaiting engine repair so I am going to try it out on my 1000. I have a creeper gear sitting on the shelf I am going to try and install soon. The garden soil is pretty good and soft I hope the 10 horse will be enough for the #2...
Don T.

What's it worth? Well - Right now your tiller isn't worth much other than a part tiller. So I'd say if you offered him $75.00 or $100.00 that would be fair? After all, the average "good" tiller and gear box goes for what....$275.00 to $450.00? I gave $350.00 for mine and I'd say its seen dirt less than a dozen times in its life. I bought mine in Maryland with the gear box. I wished I was quicker about it too, the same guy had a great looking front blade too! Miss it by that much!

But like someone else mentioned...why does this guy have just the shrouds? Has he parted it out and this is what he is left with? I am sure there are not too many people bang'n down his door looking for a tiller shroud?

Just 2 cents from a guy who lives under a rock.
Thanks guys for all the good tiller info. I do have three gear boxes and I will need to find a manual so I can put the tiller together. I need to see if it will work. I do have a walk behind tiller that is quite old, Called a merry tiller 3 hp , its in my shed and does work but its does bounce around lol. To much for me to handle anymore. I will try to put this tiller together next week after the holiday .Thanks Guys .Later Don T