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Archive through April 19, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Is this a tank for an original or an imposter? It was in a pile of stuff I purchased.I have not seen a shutoff valve like that but of course that is before my time. tim p.


I guess it's time for a carb overhaul. After an awesome performance this winter plowing snow like a champ, my 127 is now suffering from spring fever. After a tank of fresh gas, the symptoms include idling and running smoothly for about 2-3 minutes, then it dies. After a 30 second wait, it starts right back up, runs smoothly for 2-3 minutes then dies. I'm thinking a sticky float needle.... Anyone got other ideas before I place the order for a #26 rebuild kit?

On another front I found a good home for my 1200 in exchange for some cash (LOL) and while looking forlongingly at the empty spot in the herd, worked a deal to acquire an 1100 in really good condition with 60" deck and "GASP" a kludged snow plow rig that had previously come from a green machine. Photos to follow.

The loud rumbling you hear is my wife rolling her eyes.....
Tim, Nice blue tank. Glad to see we have the same model washer/dryer he he he!

It just sounds like the carb is starving for fuel. I'd check the tank, fuel line, and any filter you may have in line. It sounds like the bowl takes a few extra seconds to refill. It may not need a kit but I always check rough running carbs for trash or water. Usually some carb cleaner and compressed air will do the trick.
I needed a hydro drive coupler and ended up using a gear drive drive coupler.

I first had a friend cut down the plate to size with a hole saw and then smoothed it with a belt sander.

then I drilled the holes in it, gave it a coat of paint and Shazamm

no money spent...




Robert K...At the top of each page is a listing of Sponsors.. One or more sells Operator's Manuals, Service Manuals and Parts Manuals!!..Try'em... The Model 1100 was replaced by the Model 482.. Op Manuals should be nearly the same..

Myron B
Myron, that's where I went second....Binder books. I was able to find the owners manual at manuals.mtdproducts.com. They no longer carry the service manual so still looking...