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Archive through April 19, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Top shaft is different in a Cub Cadet vs. a Farmall Cub, so everything EXCEPT the top shaft will swap....unfortunately, the top shaft is what you need to make it work.
Tiller Picture time....

Does anybody know what size belt is used for the hydraulic pump on a danco loader on a original cub. The belt goes from the crankshaft straight down to the pump. I just bought the tractor and it doesnt have that belt on it. Any help would be appreciated.
If that transmission is out of a Farmall Cub rather than an Original, I assume the Cub top shaft has been cut off. The PTO shift lever/engage lever is slightly different on a 70/100. The one on the transmission will work as is on an Original, but the the part/shaft that goes thru the side of the transmission case is slightly longer for a 100 so the lever will clear the "tunnel" on the frame, and the lever is indexed slightly different on that shaft. As Steve said, you will need the correct transmission top shaft in the 100, for the PTO to work.
Brandon M.
I'll betcha the Installation Manual in the Manuals section will at least have a part number for the belt.
Thanks Steve and Paul for the pto info.

Any ideas on where to find a top shaft? Are they like hens teeth? This project would be done on down the road so I have plenty of time to get the needed parts if possible. I may even try and find another 100 or a 70 to put it on.

I figured it out. A tiller was divided in a divorce settlement; the wife got the tiller and hubby got the shroud. That's the way they go most of the time...huh?

Have you made the guy an offer yet?
A couple months ago someone posted a brochure on the Jiffy Balling front mounted sickle. I think it was on a 100. Did some searching and can't find it now. Just aquired one and would love to see it again. I thought it was Kraig but not, maybe Charlie??? Thanks in advance.
Terry Busch, I am going to rebuild my tiller tines the way you did in 2006 and was wondering how much Kasenit it took to do the job. It took me a while of searching but finally found the stuff. McMaster sells in 1, 5, and 10 lb containers. Thanks, Nick
I'm not sure who this belongs to. It might be mine now. I plan on putting mine on this spring on my 71.



DON T. - I'm still here. Real Life just got in the way of posting on the forum for a couple days.

ROBERT K. - You made a comment back a page or two that "Small dia. tires and large dia. tires both give the same drawbar pull" or something close to that. Sorry, but that's just WRONG. A larger dia. tire has a longer foot print which puts more rubber on the ground therefore has better traction and increases drawbar pull.

Back when 15.5 X 38 tires & 18.4 X 34 tires were used on ALL big tractors the big horses were 90-100 HP. Firestone had to create 18.4 X 38's for IH's 1206 Farmall, which was conservatively rated 112 PTO HP but most would make 125-140 HP. 20.8 38's were the next size bigger, both taller & wider, and would put 150-175 HP to the ground in most conditions. Today's tractros with 250-300 HP now use metric sized tires that would be equivalent to 18.4 X 46 or 20.8 X 46. There's also 18.4 & 20.8 X 42's that were popular on the 200-240 HP tractors.

So yes, larger diameter tires DO increase HP transfer to the ground. Also increase weight carrying capacity, etc. etc. Frt wheel assist helps improve tractive efficiency, but the larger 46" rear rubber helps about as much as FWA does.
Kent "S",
That Jiffy belong to me, then Bryan "Mc", and then?????????
Kent, that one is neat. Looks like it is for Quick Attach models. I didn't think they even made them that long to be for them models. Mine has the two mounting holes. And it is missing the bracket.
Actually, I think I did buy it off of Bryan a couple of years ago. Oh well...
My memory is about as long as my %@#$%&*.

Huhh....Charlie. How much?
Maybe I remember wrong but there was a guy at Little G a few years ago selling rear pto for cub cadets and I thought he said the that he used the Farmall cub shaft by doing some machine work on it.
David... If deck is level like Wayne posted,It's recommended to replace mower blades if they are worn to within 3/8" of the blade wing. Mowing speed and engine speed (full throttle) also affect performance, as do sharp blades & Sharp turns. Manual section can be helpful for more details.
Kendal H
You can make a top shaft for a PTO in a Cub Cadet from the shaft for a Farmall Cub by shortening the shaft and then machine the front of it to match the front of the 100 (or any gear drive model)top shaft. The Cub shaft is about 4'-5' or so long, it is one piece from the tractor clutch thru the torque tube and the top of the transmission. In the picture, the transmissions with the long shaft are for a Cub, the others for an Original
for all of you that were worried about me finding my key (and no Allen it was not in poop) my niece found it today within 3 minutes. but I do have a spare on order and might as well tune up the "O" while I am at it. tim p