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Archive through April 17, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Robert Klein

Yep that would need front weight to haul a log.My brother made a log hauler and he made his so as you pulled ahead the ring would slide back and lift the log off the ground. If you can follow my directions on this with no pictures , He bent some round stock from the tounge to the top of the tower on the wheels so as you went forward the ring slid back and would lift the log but off the ground. I could draw something so you could understand my drift lol. one minute.
Ok here you go.This is simple to build and will work great. My brother made one like this I just don`t have a picture of his .It worked slick .

simple really and your Cub could haul out to where you could junk the logs . The log hauler could be lifted on your trailer or truck to take it home with you. rear or front Cub tires and wheels could be used. Just an idea to expand your thoughts. lol
Don, Makes sense. Perfect application for a pear-link. the big end over the tube, the small end snatched to the log load. Reverse to lower and disconnect. Almost no reason to leave the seat. LOL
And a hydro to haul it would be cats a&& I think.Just the correct amount of HP put to the ground when needed to get it moving.The corect rpms for engine cooling also. I have often thought that a auto trans cooler could be added to a Cub for plowing to help keep the hydro fluid cool.Just full of it , I`am like Charlie. lol
Robert Klein

there you go ! just like a box . you have to open the flaps to see what`s inside.Open your mind to see clear, I know these are simple to build and use. get to where your going and back up disconect the chain and go for another log. I think my 100 could pull a big log with this set up.You will require Chains but then as Art A says all Cub should have wheel weights lol.
I would say problem solved !
Don, The only problem with all this logging talk is that I live in a protected wetlands (swamp) and there are no real trees to harvest...

I do have some annoying clump brush that I want to remove once the summer dries the ground out. To tough a root system to just wrap a chain around and pull but now I'm thinking about a tractor powered vertical bipod rig off the back powered by an electric winch to pull them out of the ground. No tire ruts or smoking clutch. Once free of the ground It's off to the burn pile..... hummmmmm....
Well That was fun, I wounder why I have to clean Carbs every year to run my tractors so they Work nice.for me , IF I can`t walk away and have a smother idle they need a carb bath.you all know what happened to Denny ?? Some times in life you have to pay attention.Some of us learn early ,some don`t ,I can help with some questions and Denny is a smart cookie and lost also like everybody.I claim no fame , I do and will answer a question if I can`t do no harm with my answer. Its only a garden tractor ! It would be great if live was that simple and dependable. If if it ain`t , your not doing the Maintenance .I find with todays gas even burning middle grade mixed gas I can have a poor working Cub-if I don`t work it every few Weeks , not months. Also now this season I have , to many for n old guy to use to keep them working great.Bose playing ( cat`s in the cradle)
I really think a log arch would work great for an ATV but most dont put a lot of weight on the toungue, most seem to take weight off. Some of those designs that hold the logs forward of the wheels may put some weight on the hitch, but then they impair turning I would think. And new they go for way to much money although they dont seem to be too difficult to build. I am thinking the boom/hoist setup would work better for me, have other advantages as well like being able to pick up and haul around other loads.

Although I do like GD's better I am thinking a hydro might be better for this app.

And thank you all for you advice, its much appreciated. I know this topic is starting to deviate from 'stock' I might start a discussion in the "Not OEM but better'n' new" section, or if anyone has some personalized info they can always email me at thunder/bird/of/prey/at yah00.c0m and take out the slashes and switch the zeros to o's. The email in my account I wont be checking until I go back to work in 2 weeks...
Hello everyone. I have four different tractors with hour meters on them and not a single one is working. I thought it would be nice to have one working this year. Has anyone tried to open them up to work on them? I searched around in here and didn't find much information on how to remove them or take them apart. Has anyone else had experience with this?
9 bags of lime and 6 bags of fert and a 129 to lug it.Loaders rule lol.


cause I can
Quick question: will the fenders from my 147 fit onto a 108?
Ok Ok Ok.

5 bolt hub on 3/4 inch spindles.

That was me, I did it once, SORRY but I don't have access to the internet at home, only here at work.

You need to get a hub from a farmall cub, 5 bolt lug.

Some 3/4 to 1" 3 point adaptors, cut to proper length.


Than you can use any 5 hole rim that will fit, or use a 1" center hole single hole rim from a F-cub


There, thats all the info I have on this at this time.
I hope it helps.

I know it late, but better late than never.
Someone once told me that if you stood on a street corner giving away $100 bills, someone would want 2 $50's instead..............
Don T. cool link about the log skidders. Did you paint your "O" red and white like Chris did? I am actually thinking about it
Being another "Gray Hair", I hear ya'! In todays world the 2 $50.'s is correct AND you need to put a "tip jar" next to ya' to boot! :cool:
I recently acquired a 100 with a bunch of attachments at an estate sale. One of the attachments is a sleeve hitch tiller powered by a B&S engine. The only place I can find this item is in a CC Original sales brochure where a similar tiller is listed as being manufactured by S.L. Allen & Co., Inc. (Maker of Planet Jr. and Flexible Flyer sleds). I checked the vault to see if there has been any discussion on these in the past, but didn’t really find anything. This unit has had very little use and was always kept inside. The owner repainted most all the attachments yellow, including the 38-inch deck on the tractor, a drop spreader, a #1 cart and this tiller. He did keep the tractor hood and wheels white! I guess I would like to know if any members have additional information on this piece, especially what the original colors may have been. With the tiller being quite heavy, there is a double spring assist fastened to a bracket under the tractor seat and two more springs on the tiller. There’s been some discussion of using weight on the front of tiller tractors. I’m thinking when this unit is raised, the front end might get a bit light. (Note the P.O used an Original sleeve hitch on the 100). I’ll try uploading a picture or two.
I am new to the IH/CC world. I just purchased a 682 with an H42 snow thrower attached and mower deck (NO MANUALS).

I have tried to take the snow thrower off, and I am not having much luck. I got the belt off, and I thought it was a quick attach. I can't seem to find what else I need to unhook. Can anyone help me?
Paul T.

I scanned this from a 1985 sales brochure. Looks like the tiller is IH white with the engine black. The 1985 price that was quoted to me by my local dealer was $919 plus a $69 adapter package.