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Archive through April 17, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Keeper of the Photos
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Kraig McConaughey
Kendell, when you sneak up on the 129, for sure do NOT dress like this:

I thought I could get an answer to my question that I posed several days ago, but I guess i can't. I know it isn't too difficult to answer. Back to the John Deeres. Ken (not Kentucky Ken)
Ken W., sorry we missed your post, it got lost in there. I don't know much about the charging system on the non-Starer/Generator Cubs so I passed over your post. Here's a link to the CubFAQ that might be helpful. If this doesn't help please ask for more help. Sometime we miss posts, other times we just plan don't have an answer. Sorry.


To all, NOT picking on Ken W. here. A lot of work has been put into creating the FAQ, it doesn't take a whole lot of time to browse through them to see if the answer or even a little bit of info towards answering your query is there. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've posted a link to the various FAQ entries, I'd be able to buy more Cub parts....
EXACTLY what I wanted to know, thanks. I don't use this site enough to be familiar with it, just to look at the different tractors. Ken
Ken W., cool! Glad I was able to help out.
Let us know if you get that 1450 running properly.
"just take the engine out" "i can do it in 40 min." ":i can to it 10"

make me feel worse, go ahead.

i now realize just removing the engine would be the easiest way.

i do need to remove the front shroud, blower housing, from what i can see, it is packed tight with a nest. i need to make sure i get it all.

the manuals im using are the original engine service and owners manuals. i have not found one yet for the whole tractor.
the engine service manual is generic, it does not cover removing from any particular tractor.

im used to an old, older then the 128, Bolens. PTO's were shaft drive.
i cant get used to all these belts and pulleys.
Nice tip on the decal for the 1x8/9 and early Quietline steering wheel tin. I think dad would try it for his but we haven't seen that tin in probally 25 years
. My Quietline is like the 82 series and have the cover that removes.....
Kraig, what threw me was Art has a quote from "ken" at the bottom of his post. I just saw that and replied to "ken". Guess I need to look up at the top of the post for the actual poster name.

Like mentioned about not using the FAQ: I did read about taking the steering wheel off. The only problem was it didn't mention anything about how to get the decal off the center of the steering wheel. I didn't want to get too zealous and screw anything up.
Do you guys have any suggestions on how I free up a set of discs I got for my 129? I got one side freed up after 1 application of PB, but the other half is still stuck and its probably been 5 days of spraying with PB. Perhaps there is something that can be rigged up to get better leverage to spin the discs. Either that or do I heat up the shaft with a propane torch?

Another question about it too... its a 3 point disc (cat 0 i guess), but for the price I wasnt going to pass it up. I only have the factory 3 point and sleeve adapter. I was thinking I could run 1 or 2 pieces of flat bar or angle across the top of it and weld on a sleeve hitch on the end, does this sound reasonable? After looking at the prices for the 3 point hitch I think I'll have to stick to the sleeve hitch equipment.
A little more progress on the 104. It seems like my needs list is getting longer and longer. These pics are from yesterday when all I was going to take the saw horses over to the garage and not do any work but it started out in pieces and ended up like this!



Ron Schmitt

You were right it was the relief valve on my 782. Thanks for your help. I am Cubbing again.

Ron W
Tristan., I have a set of "cat O" disks that were partially froze when I got them. My set has grease fittings on the disk crossbars. Even after pushing grease through them, they were still stuck. I ended up dragging them around the yard this past winter with 4 cinder blocks of weight on top. Finally they broke lose. After I disk the garden in a week or so, I will take them apart over the summer. I have some disks that need replaced and figure I can get them in proper working order.
I don't use the sleeve hitch with my disks. I removed the "cat O" and pieced together a tow behind mount out of scrap metal. I make short as possible turns at the end of the garden and the lawn is not drastically damaged.
what works the best for cleaning a plastic gas tank? I can see scaly rust in the bottom. didn't know I would see rust in a plastic tank!!??
New IH Cub tinkerer here. Just got my first of what I already feel will be many attachments, a blade. Bought from a "junk yard" and do not have the rod that runs the hydraulic lift. I will have to attempt to fabricate. Any ideas or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
My tractor is a 1450.
Jesse M

Set your cub cadet up on 2X4's, leave the blade sit on the level floor/ground, measure distance between the holes on the lift arm on the tractor and the lift point on the blade.
Make lift rod to fit.
Hey guys,I was wandering when going down steep grades is it better to let the engine slow me or the brakes or both,I have a long grade in my sub-division and I ride down to see a good friend down the street,it seems to over rev some of my cubs and some it dont?? any thoughts?
The the engine "brake" you. If you use the foot brake you're free wheeling for just a bit, it might get away from you. Truckers have what is called a "Jake Brake" to slow 'um down. Didja' ever hear that RUP-RUP-RUP-RUP kind of sound when a semi comming to a stop?? Ahuuummmm, don't drink and drive when visiting the friend.
I am in need of new tires and I would like opinions on which turf tires work best. I have a hilly yard that I mow, and usually once a year I have to clear the driveway of snow.


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