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Archive through April 06, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I received my Low-Boy lightswitch (376851R92) from http://www.plowboyequipment.com (Iowa) yesterday... The company TM Tractor parts and Yesterdaystractor.com said it was NLA.... Peeled it from it's wrapper, and Ohmed it out... The resistor is for instrument lights, it appears.. The marks are Batt, HL, TL, and Inst. It is a SP3T switch, and it looks like the stock switch... I will switch the headlight/TL, strobe, and reverse floodlight with it.. I may have to include a diode to keep one of the terminal powered up while on the other positions...

Kool , light switch with a built in cigarette lighter

The knob doesn't look right though.
I think I have figured out my clutch problems
the disc is worn out and the pressure plates
do nt seperate fast enough or far enough how can
I fix this.
Lucas - Replace the worn clutch with a new one , and grease your knee (that'll take care of, "fast enough or far enough")

Digger - ewe so smart !
I have a 149 with a starting issue. It cranks to slow to start up. When you put a battery charger on it with the 50 amp start, it starts right up. I have used a different battery, and had the battery tested. I also used a different s/g with the same results. I have cleaned the grounds. If you take the tension off the belt, the s/g spins very good. What would be the next place to look at. Thanks.
Michael - Humor me and put a battery jumper cable from the battery negative to an unpainted part of the engine and try starting it.