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Archive through April 05, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
Umm Myron,
Your assuming our guys HAVE sleeves on their shirts already! Which would be a misnomer in this instance.
Britter, Same mule drive for tillers as for mowers. At least on my 122. Blowers need no mule drive (part of the blower).
I'm also lucky to have a great Cub Cadet dealer. They know me by my first name, recognize my voice on the phone when I call in an order, and can even spell my last name. One of the parts guys once spent about 20 minutes trying to track down a $0.26 gasket. How's that for service?
Yo Boss:

Just what do you have on mind, this early in the morning...?? and then maybe I just don't want to know...

I ain't even gonna go there!

As much as I would really like to!
But I will say one thing, the reading is very interesting this morning on various other sites.
What, did my yorkie get up up early too? He tried to get me up 3 hours ago but I played possum.
Lonny B.,
Yep, that's the issue. I was thinking of some muffler patch wrap, but that seems too much like plastic. I think I take your suggestion and look at a fireplace dealer or furnace dealer for a small piece of fireproof matting that I could clamp in between the tube and muffler to act as a gasket. Thanks!

Myron B.,
My intention wasn't to slam IH for using the term sleeve. I was slamming myself for not being a bit more open-minded about different terminology. I appreciate your patience & understanding toward me and for the lengthy explanation.

Jon N.,
I thought hard on converting over to a different shutoff valve, rubber hose with barbs on both ends with an inline filter. My 129 has that setup now. But I would really like to keep the sediment bowl and metal line on my 127 - if if will function properly & I can keep it from leaking.

All you fellas that have a helpful dealer close by should indeed consider yourselves lucky! I think I'm simply going to locate the next closest dealer and try them out. I would drive 50 miles IF I could get good service! You fellas in business - take notice, (SERIOUSLY)- I BELIEVE THAT CUSTOMER SERVICE WILL BE THE NEXT NICHE MARKET!

Thanks again for all the advice & assistance, Fellas!!
Have a good day everyone!

Ryan W
As for my Cub Cadet dealer I am sooooo very lucky, but having the part number book has put him and I on the same level and we enjoy working together! Heck he even offered me a job on Sat. just what I need! NOT! Score 1 to 10==== 9

I have told him about this sight and even bragged about you guys.

As for fuel line I think my braided steel line looks pretty good and works really great.

Sleeves got to wear them at work something about my 2 Indians and wolf on left shoulder is offensive to some. Sorry couldn't resist! LOL

I have a 122 with creeper gear and a sleeve hitch.I was wondering if the gear and hitch will fit my my 126.
Dealers ?
I stopped at one place and was looking at a 1650. We were talking about it and the oil leak when his "buddy" came in and they got off to theirselves and I heard the dealer telling his buddy how cheap he could sell HIM the 1650. The dealer didn't seem to want to come over to me so I got in my truck and drove about 30 miles to Lowes and bought my new 2166 ! When I spend money I spend it, and I'll damn sure go to some place that'll take it. No matter what I buy, if I can wait on it I'll order it off the net or out of a catlog. Oh and now Lowes sells those damn green things
Let me ask all those present!
What salesman in his right mind would walk over to a guy like this to try and get him to buy anything but a can of worms?
Much less a Cub Cadet.

I guess that's what separates a good dealer from the rest - being unafraid to sell to a man who carries his pet fish with him...
Good morining all,

Hey, does anyone happen to know if it was neccissary to drill holes to install the rear lift, pin plate. After ispecting my lift handle I was unable to find the mounting holes, they must have been a dealer install item? Any ways, if anyone has run into this let me know. This is on my 122 that I'm trying to get the rear lift installed on.

Thanks in advance.

I can't figure it out, suddenly I'm in the mood to listen to ZZ Top..........
Ken W., yes the creeper gear will swap over just fine. I assume you are referring to the "Cub Cadet 3 point hitch" not a "sleeve hitch adapter". The 106 will require an additional bracket to mount the cast upper part of the 3 point hitch. Part #9 in the parts view below is the extra bracket that you'll need to mount the 3 point hitch on the 106.

Brian B., Are you referring to part #7 in the parts view I just posted in for Ken W.? If so, it mounts into the slot on the bottom of the lift handle.

Better watch what you say ... I might sic my other pet on ya!