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Scott n.
Yes in sense.
Anhydrous ammonia is really just ammonia. "Anhydrous" means without water, and anhydrous ammonia is just pure ammonia without water.
Nasty stuff fer sure.
Ya don't want ta mess with it.
I just pull the tanks is all, and drop 'em in the field.
These 2 were "empty" & headed back to the plant, but they are never really completely empty.
Hauled the dry granular stuff today.
Charlie - hey I thought that video was the real deal taken from the cops dash cam, especially based on the comments below it. Then my brother pointed out to me the full video has a section identifying it as an Illinois State Police training video - whew (no pun intended).

David S - did you really know the extent of the stuff you're dealing with? Charlie's video is a good example - appears to me that it supposed to be a tank pulled from a field, and rolled and broke open or breached. Hope maybe you travel with a gas mask - should be some mandatory standards and training with that stuff.
Turned in to a cloud of the stuff back when I was a teenager helping dad side dress corn. Shut off valve failed to completely close when I was turning at the end of a row. Luckily the only lasting effect has been the loss of most of my sense of smell.
Meanwhile, in Southern Maine:


This is Bob Crowley, a Survivor winner a few years ago. And, yes, this is today down there.
I finally figured out what the Chill Tray was for.

Dayton, Ohio
May 30th 2016, hail storm fell this American Beech


Better than my 2008 GE fridge, my beer is cold and shots are chilled.

You mean your 08' GE fridge is still working?!!

Got any pics of the whole IH fridge? That is one cool fridge! Seems that is a pun there.
Yesterday evening we had a brief rain shower that resulted in a double rainbow.

Charlie, wow! Usually only see that when it's really cold out. Oh wait... it is really cold out where you're at.