Well-known member
Thank you Matt, that looks fairly simple to make and install.The info is in my picture and post above. It is a 1/4" x ~2" piece of steel with a couple bends in it. I can't remember if it came with the Haban snow blades or if it is something someone else came up with after the fact, but either way, without it, you will break rockshafts without having it.
Dumb question.... the picture that Russ posted above of the manual page... the one on the right - I made a sleeve type set up like is on the newer models... is part #3 supposed to have a roll pin through it as well?
Mine started out looking like the picture on the left. But in an effort to make it stronger, I attached the two deck lift arms ( #1 & #2) to a piece like #6 so it became one welded assembly. Part #5 is independent and it moves on the rock shaft when the lift cylinder goes up and down. I did it this way because that's the way it was on the tractor before. But to me, that piece needs to travel part of the stroke of the cylinder before it actually lifts or lowers the deck lift arms.
It just seems odd. There is a hole there in part #5 for a roll pin to go through in the collar - but there was never a hole drilled in the rock shaft that was in it, and I only ever see 2 roll pins used on the rock shaft in any pictures ?