Paul Young
In my opinion Cub Cadets were built to stand the test of time. Please do not delete my opinion be cause it is priceless!
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Upgrade Nowwasnt selling it. its a 1962 horse .... just was wondering is all. i thought it might be something. but turns out to be normal old tillerI do not think he is selling a Wheel Horse tractor, but a Troy-bilt Pony tiller, built in Troy NY
no its a troy bilt tiller 1962 horse. i probley should have said that it was a tiller.. i thought i did lol ..So, it's not a Wheel Horse and it's not even a tractor. Maybe this is why "What is it worth" questions are not allowed. Try Google with the description given. Then we will all know why that type of question is not allowed.
Harry,let's keep this discussion going,other members too.Let's consider my 122 ,it's 55 yrs old does that make an antique tractor? Now are we talking antique value or a working tractor or both? Seems most guys on this forum use their machines and that's not how most people treat antiques.How many do you know that drive their 60's auto everyday? I have a friend who restores IH tractors and they are like new,no field work anymore,parades only.He couldn't recover costs if he sold them...I know of a 128 &127 the guy thinks they are worth at least $600 each.They haven't moved in 10 yrs(or more).All the tires are rotted,one blown engine,the other missing the pto clutch.When I mentioned $150 for tires just to make it a roller he was uncaring....How could I possibly give anyone a value on either??.....So Harry, I appoint you to track sales and auctions for 6 mos and come back with estimated value range we can all vote on and send you a certificate of appreciation for your effort....caveat emptor works both ways![]()
horse is the biggest tiller they make and been making for over 70 years.I guess with the vague description given, I completely misunderstood what the actual item in question was. Maybe, instead of not allowing "what is it worth" we should all make the effort with using oem terms. I wrongly assumed that a "horse" was a localized slang for Wheel Horse. I've never heard of a Troy Built, Horse tiller.
my buddys dad probley touched your tillers. he worked there at Garden Way in the 70s in troy ny. is where i born and grew up. now he has pasted so i can say this hahhaha... he would bring parts home each day or other day so on . build brand new horses and then off them hahhaha..... reminds me of johnny cashs song .. one piece at a time lol ....I have two Troy-Bilt Horse tillers - one from 1973 with a 6 horsepower Tecumseh engine and the other from the mid-1980s with an 8 horsepower Briggs engine. They were the largest Troy-Bilt tillers in the lineup. I actually bought the 1973 direct from the factory in Troy, NY and it was delivered by Shay Trucking in Dansville, NY. Great tillers.