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1512 Turbo plow tractor project

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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More mounted tire pics please
Here are a few Steve,



I like how they have bead protection moulded into the sidewalls. And, they are heavy (weight) and stiff 6 ply.

They are inflated to 5 psi in pics.
Nice!!!! Kinda makes me want to buy tires......
Nice boots! She sure looks bad
on that rear view. Really digging the look now that they're mounted. Getting there......
Thanks Josh,
Uh...that's weird....those pictures viewed correctly on my phone. On the PC they are turned goofy.
Rick, what's really weird is, if you right click on them and select "view image" they appear correctly...

BTW, great looking tires. I WANT!!!!
Can't wait to see the tractor all put together.
Those tires are awesome.

And to clarify my last statement. Firestones ARE worth every penny of performance. NOTHING is the "old" version anymore. Those Kenda's, Carlise, G/Y, are all made of the same cheap rubber. If I'm only gonna get 10 years out of a tire, I'm gonna get a good 10 years. I'm not going to by poor performing tires just to save $40-50.
Thanks Nic, I think the look and performance will fit what I'm going for.
For a traditional tire, the 'Stones still rule for sure.
I looked a lot before I settled on those.
Here's from my notes from shopping, all prices are for (2) tires shipped to my address.
My usual goto el-cheapo tire is the BCT and the Kenda's are way better value from what I see.
If I could get the 'Stones for $40-$50 more I'd buy them. But they seem to run closer to $130 more per pair.

$175 Kenda Excecutioner 25x10x12 from Dennis Kirk
$170 BCT Trenchers 23x10.50x12 from GCT
$305 23 Firestones 23x10.50x12 from ME miller
I've never considered ATV tires for my cubs.

I've only compared traditional lug tires from Firestone, Carlise, Titan, and others. When you switch to ATV tires, the price does go way down cause they make many, many more of them...
A little progress this week.
Turned some used milk parlor stainless steel into a nice exhaust pipe.
I went for the Cat / bulldozer style tip.
Also built a tubing clamp that replaces the rear lifting lug. The piping dances around pretty bad without it.
Waiting on a back orderred trans. gasket and the painter!

Just a teaser picture today. (Nobody around to video)
Took a little test drive minus tin work.
Back in the garage to top off fluids and zip-tie a couple wires.
Might have to go visit the body shop tomorrow and get a progress report!

Tire tracks........really nice grip in the snow!

I bet those things had some grip. Although never liked a tease...

I assume you have the later model 1" spindles on the front to hold all that weight.

How did you get 4x8 skinnies to fit on that axle?
Starting to shape up! I kinda like the 1872 style graphics from what was on it before.
The tires clear great, no spacers needed.



Yes, I have a Cat 0 for it. Just need to get the right lift bar yet and some misc. bits. (Like a Plow!)
I'm really glad to finally get to this point, it was a good winter killer project.
I'm thankful that I was able to get it to this point and for the wife to be patient while I "hyper-focus" on this tractor.

Video anyone?
Thanks for sharing the vid. Looks great, sounds even better! Getting closer to spring. 50's all week!

Under edit: Jeff, we've gotta find you a smoker.