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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig; I love the recent pics!Especially the "black panther"!Kinda' small though;must be a "kitty"!LOL! I would gladly share trailcam pics if someone hadn't "borrowed" mine a while back.Next one will be chained to the tree! All I can post are "after" shots.When I get a replacement camera I'll...
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    Shear pin on a Bush Hog..

    Kendell; Now you got it! We'll make a redneck out of you yet! Bobby B. !
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    Shear pin on a Bush Hog..

    Kendell; Y'all got the spellin' down fair to middlin',but'cha work on yer nunciation. Ya' gotta' drag out that there "haawg"! LOL! Bobby B.
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    Shear pin on a Bush Hog..

    Kendell; Lot of us redneck,country-boy,wannabees use them thar' grade 5's! Bobby B.
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    Archive through September 12, 2009

    Bruce; You can get those shims from Digger at CC Specialties. Bobby B.
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    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig; Nice flock of birds! If they get to be a problem...you know who to call! Bobby B.
  7. B

    Archive through September 04, 2009

    Hello y'all; Had my on "mini plow day" today. Started working on my food plots. That 149 is a stud! I likie! Everything was going great until the right front wheel tried to come off! Snakes are still active. This timber rattler was pissed!
  8. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig; Nice gobbler! I made a deer food plot on a piece of property I was leasing(mostly for turkey hunting) and before the first rain the stupid turkeys ate all the seed! No worries though;got my revenge in the spring! LOL! Looks like you are going to have another good plot this year! Bobby B.
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    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig; Like you,I have harvested very few deer over food plots,and none over shelled corn. I do put a little corn out during the off season just to keep 'em in the neighborhood! I bowhunt in oak bottoms or ridgelines, then will gun hunt during the rut near scrapelines and travel routes. Our...
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    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kendell; Good ol' corn is a favorite down here also. However;..us rednecks know it buy Golden Buck Lure,Yelper Helper,Dove Love,and my favorite,...Duck Luck! Baiting IS illegal in the great state of Alabama,but our Florida cousins pour it out by the ton!LOL! !
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    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig; Nice job on your food plot! That drag/disc is pretty neat. Is that all you used to till up that plot? I have an ATV disc like the one you used last year,but I likey your new set-up! We won't be making food plots until mid-Sept;I'm getting itchy! I've used the Imperial Whitetail...
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    Archive through July 08, 2009

    Matt; From one aviator to another...,you better stop before you go blind! Bob B. !
  13. B

    Archive through June 22, 2009

    Kendell; Down there....? And it ain't "pop-soda";it's "pop-Coke"..,Coke being generic for ANY soft drink 'cept orange Crush!LOL! Just to keep it on topic! Bob.
  14. B

    Archive through June 22, 2009

    Ian; A "Brush Hog" is a brand of walk behind mower/brush cutter; the name being taken from a "bush hog" cutter being driven by a tractor PTO. I've seen several garden tractor decks cut out in the front to allow heavy weeds and light brush to be mowed with a regular garden...
  15. B

    Archive through February 02, 2009

    My buddies went to the Gulf on Sat.,and tore up the red snapper and amberjack. I couldn't go,...,poor me! So to get even,I went to my little pond in Barbour County,ALABAMA(gotta use the Forrest Gump voice for effect),and caught a dozen fat bluegill in 30 minutes, in the rain,using my favorite...
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    Archive through June 12, 2009

    Ray; I used my 128 to pull my ATV disc to make food plots. That disc weighs about 200 lbs and really bites well in anything except hard packed,dry bone,sun baked soil, and the 128 pulls it without a whimper! At least it did until a balance gear blew out the block! Bob.
  17. B

    Archive through June 02, 2009

    Kraig; FWIW; I took a 3-point setup out of a 1250 parts tractor and it fit perfectly in my 128! Richard P., Some tractors are just destined to be parted out! Sorry for your grief! Bob.
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    Archive through May 22, 2009

    Charles G.; The easiest fix is to come and get this spare 128 transmission out of my backyard! LOL!
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    Archive through May 16, 2009

    Jeff; I likey 1X8/9s!The starter/generator just seems to give it more of a "tractory" look! Yes,tractory is Redneck terminology! Bob.
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    Archive through May 09, 2009

    We have a winner! Prizes will be forthcoming!