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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. kweimann

    Archive through August 12, 2004

    Wyatt, I'd go with a C-clip since thay have more surface contact area to retain the axle than an E-clip, which is basically a 3 point contact. Kenny
  2. kweimann

    Archive through August 09, 2004

    Paul B., Hytran is Hygroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture. That is the big plus of using genuine Hytran over 30W or other hydraulic fluids. When the water gets attracted, it forms a wax like emulsion and stays stays there, floating around like a jellyfish, getting deposited on the walls of...
  3. kweimann

    Archive through August 06, 2004

    Jim Mac, It isn't the Damper plate that wears, it's the Trunnion shaft assembly (detail 50 in the TC113)which is the "L" shaped plate with the rectangular cutout. It can easily be welded and filed back to original dimensions. Just remove the Damper plate and the springs and buttons and you...
  4. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Rick, Only 100% correct way is to look at the cooling fins on the flywheel to determine if the rotation is right. The fins should be "cupping" the air causing sufficient flow over the block and head. Kenny
  5. kweimann

    Archive through July 29, 2004

    Bryan, the sides of the block go straight down to the squarish oil pan (base). Some blocks have mounting lugs or tabs on them to acept a large oil base. These extensions on the casting are on the carb and S/G side of the block. Kenny
  6. kweimann

    Archive through July 29, 2004

    Bryan, The Model engine for a 149 should be K321AS, where the "A" stands for special oil pan. Make sure the block is of the straight sided variety with the oil filler tube in the same place as yours is. Also, since it is not a Cub Spec Motor, chances are the crankshaft won't be the same...
  7. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Henry, I found the best pricing on Carlisle/Titans at www.bruttspecialtytires.com Click on the Online store for pricing. Kenny
  8. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, Jim, Is there a preferred Lug Tire to use in kids GT pulling. I want to get my daughter hooked up on my 123. I can't find anyone with decent 10.50 rims for sale so I plan on mounting 10.50's on my 8.50 rims. The guy who puts on the local pulls doesn't have a shield on his sled so the...
  9. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Joe, From those that I have seen, you can't cut them down because there is an angled slot inside both sides of the block at the lug locations that will become openings when the lugs are machined off. Kenny
  10. kweimann

    Archive through July 22, 2004

    Jerry, I've lapped them in the frame. If you are using so much compound that it makes that much of a mess, you are using too much. I turn in the tappet adjusting screws to get a big air gap, then lap the valves with my cordless drill and suction cup lapping rod. I put just a dab of compound...
  11. kweimann

    Archive through July 22, 2004

    Wes, Dave, The Crank can stay in but the rear bearing plate must be removed or at least moved back enough in order to move the Cam Pin enough to fit a shim in. Kenny
  12. kweimann

    Archive through July 19, 2004

    On a sad note, I talked to Hydro Harry the other day and he was heading out to the Dakotas to see his father who wasn't in too good a shape, ultimately, his illness took him. Thoughts and prayers go out to Hydro Harry Bursell and his family.
  13. kweimann

    Archive through July 15, 2004

    Jason, #1, always remove the high speed needle before attempting to remove the emulsion tube. Did you spray the tube with PB Blaster or WD40 before trying to take it out? Also, the screwdriver you use to remove it must be almost as wide as the slot itself or else it will want to twist out. I...
  14. kweimann

    Archive through July 13, 2004

    Dean, When you have the head off, make sure you check it for flatness. The spec. is .003. You can put it on a pc. of plate glass and check with a feeler gage. I have a surface plate I use but a pc. of plate glass is acceptable. I put 220 emery cloth on the plate and lap the head flat where the...
  15. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Sort of like the Pink Mary Kay Cadillacs, it just aint right!
  16. kweimann

    Archive through July 05, 2004

    Mike J., I have .29 Acres (80' x 160'). All my neighbors thought I was nuts until the first snow storm. While they enjoyed their hot toddies with warm toes, I was out there plowing the neighborhood! Now I repair all their L&G equipment and they refer friends to me so I can replenish the Cub...
  17. kweimann

    Archive through July 05, 2004

    Re: my 107; I rebuilt the engine in the fall of 2000,(my first one), test ran it at the Institute. Put it in a donor 126 that Hydro gave me and used it to mow with in 2001, put my blade on it and used it as a snow machine 106 for 3 years, then sold the 106 roller last month and the engine is...
  18. kweimann

    Archive through July 05, 2004

    Kraig, Yea, as bought from a buddy in April of 2000, just before I met Hydro Harry and Jim Chabot and got Yeller Fever!
  19. kweimann

    Archive through July 05, 2004

    Mike, I've spent tons on my 107, which is now partly at Professor Chabot's Institute for Higher Cub Cadet Learning in Mass., Partly in my basement, the engine is in the garage......aren't projects fun! Now to find time to get to Jimbo's to get it going! Kenny
  20. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Dave K2, The +.003 piston is pricey last time I looked. It wasn't available aftermarket either (someone chime in if I'm wrong). Me personally, I would go to +.010. Still leaves plenty of space for wear and as Dave K1 said, you will be sure that the geometry and finish of the bore are correct...