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Archive through August 09, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I changed my hydro fluid yesterday and inside was coated with a parrafin like substance. What is this and should I use it for a while and change the oil again? Is this normal? Thanks, Paul
Hello Everyone,

My First post on this board. Just wanted to say hi and hopefully I'll be able to help answer a question sometime! But most likely it'll be the other way around. I have 2 Cub Cadets a 1650, and a 782D. I also have a Sims cab, QA42 blower, 42" and 54" IH blades w/power angle kits, and a 44" and 50" deck(s).

I actually am in to the bigger tractors a bit more than cubs but do like the little guys. I have a 1942 Farmall H and a 1952 Farmall Super A with Sickle bar mower, full set of cultivators, front plow, 1 bottom rear plow, and a disc.

None of my tractors are restored and I work with all of them on various projects! I actually am hoping to make a puller ouf of the 782D eventually so maybe Some of the folks in the other category can help me there.

I have talked to a couple people on here before and have asked lots of questions. Namely Richard C. and Digger. Both have helped me an extensive amount in learning how to fix this or that and just overall "newbie" questions.

SO this is me! Hope to get to know everyone better and learn from all of you.

I don't have any pics of my tractors here but can post some from home if anyone wants to see them. They aren't anything like some of you guys have!

Paul B.,
Hytran is Hygroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture. That is the big plus of using genuine Hytran over 30W or other hydraulic fluids. When the water gets attracted, it forms a wax like emulsion and stays stays there, floating around like a jellyfish, getting deposited on the walls of the diff. case. When I drained my 106's rear, It looked like Pumpkin Custard! I just made sure I tilted the tractor at about 45 degrees, flushed out the carrier with solvent, then after the solvent evaporated, filled with fresh Hytran. Good to go.
WYATT - I REALLY Like the Decals! Esp. the "Powered By Kohler" I have to post a "WELCOME ABOARD to WILSON GATEWOOD" He called Me yesterday and said He signed up here. He's a regular on the RPM forums. Last fall when I visited Him one afternoon in Sept. He said He has 34 IH's between Him and His good friend Ron Neece. But no Cub Cadets. He's fixed that this year. He's mowed all summer with a 682 and bought a 982 last weekend! Wilson's Perfectly restored 1468 is "MISS JULY" in this years "CLASSIC FARM TRACTORS Calendar.
Wyatt, nice!!!! Where did you get the "Powered by Kohler" decal?

Mark, welcome!

And a welcome!, in advance, to Wilson.
Guys, can the CC 3-point lift from a 149 be put on a 782 (ser. 666030)? From the parts manual it appears that the cast upper piece is the same, except that on the 149 a solid shaft passes through the cast piece, and on the 782 it uses two bolts with jam nuts. The lift bar appears to be different, and that the 149 has a "lift bar plate assy 703-0398" whereas the 782 lift bar slips onto a plate already part of the rockshaft? Do I have that right? Just wondering if I could just get a 782 lift bar and use my other 149 parts.

What I'm doing is slipping a handmade steel rod/angle iron/trailer ball assembly in the upper cast piece. I use a common nail to hold the steel rod into the upper cast piece. With this I haul my wood splitter around the property.
You mean these!
Roy, that is correct. The 782 uses a pin instead of the plate on the lift bar.
The 3-point hitch upper cast piece that is attached to a 122 and a 109 is about 10 1/4 inches where the pin goes thru. I have one that is only 6 1/8 inches. Never saw one like this before, what model tractor does this fit on?
Bill, remeasure the one on your 122, it should be narrower than the one on your 109.

How about the cast upper body: will the 149 fit on the 782? If so then the only part I'll need is the 82 Series lift bar. Correct?
Wyatt Paul Bell has some army surplus material as close to original as i have seen if you ask him I bet he would send you some.
I was diggin through some old stuff of mine the other day and found this. Can anyone tell me what ETB stands for?

(Message edited by cproctor on August 10, 2004)
Some one asked the other day how long I had been coming to Minnesota to shows before I moved up here, I think this was about the first.
Here is a Cub that is set up for slow racing. It has 2 creepers installed and goes 8 inches a minuite. He was moving forward in this picture.

(Message edited by wdeturck on August 10, 2004)
Thanks Jeff,
I learn something new everyday.

I forgot to thank Tom H. for my slant grill hat pin too. Thanks Tom it looks great!