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IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

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Lot's of air was to be seen under Cub Cadet front wheels.


Unfortunately, my camera disc was full when Jim Diederichs ran his turbo-diesel and staged an awesome performance by going 20 feet past a full pull! All of his tractors performed well.

One last shot.
David Kirk,that's a nice group of pictures.Some interesting equipment there and some great smiles from the kids.I trust they were all using their Points Savers.
Cool pullin' pictures! Looks like the kids are having a great time!

What engine is in that red wheel-standin' 1x8?

DK :)
Dave K> Thank you very much for all those pictures!! I was way too busy to take any myself,so it is nice to see these. That wheel standing 1x8 has a Kohler Command 20 or 22hp in it. The frame is from a later x82 series and the owner driving it did a great job on the bodywork. His name is Jarod Kohlman from Manitowoc county,WI. Their farm was recently hit by a bad tornado,but he was able to save his puller and get to the event in Plymouth.

The 1282 with the wheels up is my daughter Alissa who is 13 yrs old and won the class. She likes that 25 Command under the hood. Her cousin Matt Diederichs is the pilot of the 1641 with the skull/flames on the hood. That 25 hp tractor was also very competitive and finished in the top 3. Lots of what Dave shows here are our stock class tractors,and although they are not real speedy,the drivers are quite proud of the cool Cub Cadets they pull with!
<font size="+2">FALL PLOW DAY - LATE BREAKING NEWS</font>

The 2004 Fall Plow Day will be held at the Blunier Farm in Roanoke, IL on one of the following dates....

<font size="+2">Saturday Oct. 23rd.</font>

Rain date:

Saturday Oct. 30th

Set up will be similar to PD's #1 and #4, with 40 acres to plow (we may have to slow some poeple down so we have enough ground!!!) Because the likelyhood of turning under 40 acres is a very real possibility, we will probably limit any Friday "Pre-plowing" to opening up lands etc. by event planners ONLY.

A display area and a vendor area will be provided. Please email me if you plan to bring a large number of for sale items so that we can situate everything accordingly.

Rules and registration will be the same as WFM and Travis's place. Hopefully, we will be using the same registration system as we have used in the past, provided that those who have worked to maintain it are willing to provide that service again (TIA guys, I'll be emailing you soon).

As always, the event is open to all makes and models of GT's pulling plows, disks, harrows, cultivators, etc.

These events are a <font size="+2">BLAST</font>, you won't regret taking the time to attend!!!!!
OK, a quick question. I have available to me, (that is they are sitting in my garage, due to various trades) two blocks, one is 12hp, one is 14hp. The 14 is mostly there, missing the intake and exhaust. The 12 is missing intake, exhaust, head and pan. Both of these have mounting flanges on the base of the block. THere are the normal pan holes that I am familiar with to put on the cub pan. Can I machine off the flanges and use these blocks in a cub frame? My plan is to combine the two and get one 12hp puller. THe 12 will need to be sleved, so I might sleve the 14 block down to a 12. But has anyone cut off these mounting flanges???

thanks, Joe
John, you mentioned the pullers and Dave Kirk's points saver; good reminder! I installed a kit on my wife's stock altered puller and it is fantastic! Been using the Bosch blue coil also,a great combo. We can certainly vouch for the quality!
From those that I have seen, you can't cut them down because there is an angled slot inside both sides of the block at the lug locations that will become openings when the lugs are machined off. Kenny
Don, Jim,
Is there a preferred Lug Tire to use in kids GT pulling. I want to get my daughter hooked up on my 123. I can't find anyone with decent 10.50 rims for sale so I plan on mounting 10.50's on my 8.50 rims. The guy who puts on the local pulls doesn't have a shield on his sled so the pulls are really traction contests; once you spin you dig in and that's it. That is why a lot of hydros pull there. Anyhow, I can get Carlisle/Titan Tru Powers or Tru Power AT's. Any preference? Thanks, Kenny
From what I understand there's some folks that run the modified flanged blocks. Like Kenny said there's going to be a slot that becomes an opening. Seeing as how this part of the block isn't stressed and is more or less just there to not leak oil, I don't see any reason why it can't be epoxied over.

FWIW, if it's a block out of a John Deere, I don't think that cut is there. I think some of Deere's tractors used a flanged block with a "sump" style pan. Then again, if you have one of these blocks, and they are specific to a Deere, they may be worth enough to a Deere owner that you could get rid of the block for enough $$ to find a Cub-able block.
Kenny, The tires that do well in stock are the Firestones in 26x12-12. In the 10.50's I think the Titan is king,based on what I've seen. Some 10.50 guys like the old Goodyears,lots of lugs that are rather narrow in width.
Of course those 'Stone 8.50's really do well if ya can find some;seem to be good on a kids tractor. They need to learn how to lean to use all the traction they provide.
I've run the lugs cut off my NQS SA motor for the past few years with no problem. Its mounted in a 100 frame. Just epoxy the holes up when you remove the lugs or have them welded back up and machined flat for the pan. Might have to drill and tap some holes for the narrow oil pan?