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  1. kweimann

    Electric over hydraulic HELP

    Russ, You replace the rockshaft with one from a hydraulic lift machine. They don't have the armstrong lift attached. Just unbolt the triangular brackets that hold it on and the stop/detent assemblies and bolt on the hydro rockshaft. Kenny
  2. kweimann

    Archive through February 11, 2005

    The middle block pictured can be modfied by cutting the "ears" off, the far left has the angled cutouts which would have to be welded up.
  3. kweimann

    Archive through February 04, 2005

    From Brian Miller's Site http://members.aol.com/pullingtractor/cylhead.htm Kenny
  4. kweimann

    Archive through February 04, 2005

    Thanks Kraig, I have that manual too, just can't find it amongst the rubble in my shop. Thanks. Kenny
  5. kweimann

    Archive through January 31, 2005

    Can someone post the (2) stud locations on a 129 K301? I need to get the head on tonight and want to do it once. Thanks. Kenny
  6. kweimann

    Archive through January 27, 2005

    Cody, Here's the pick lightened up a bit Kenny
  7. kweimann

    Archive through January 05, 2005

    Scott M., I would start by putting a jumper to the coil then jump the S/G to make sure it isn't in the key or safety switch wiring that is keeping it from running. Kenny
  8. kweimann

    Archive through December 27, 2004

    Dave K., Try Maryland Metrics or Metric and Multistandard. Both have websites and I've had good luck with weird pitch Metric fasteners from them. www.metricmcc.com www.marylandmetrics.com Kenny
  9. kweimann

    Archive through December 23, 2004

    Lyle, Make sure your governor is adjusted properly. Loosen the 7/16 nut on the governor bolt, pull the throttle to full(left) and while holding it there rotate the governor shaft all the way to the left. With the shaft and lever held in these positions, tighten the governor bolt and nut. It...
  10. kweimann

    Archive through December 23, 2004

    Zach, Just read your old posts and saw you had a Walbro. My .02, stop right there and get yourself a rebuildable Carter Model N. Don't get me wrong, when the Walbro's run right they are ok, but most of the used ones I've seen hunt a lot at high rpm due to their lean jetting for emissions. Email...
  11. kweimann

    Archive through December 23, 2004

    Zach, Up and down play is normal, that is the clearance between the throttle plate and bore. It is the side to side clearance that causes the vacuum leaks. WD40 and PB are both flammable so either should do well to test it for leakage. Even though the kit is pricey, all the throttle shafts...
  12. kweimann

    Archive through December 02, 2004

    Jeremy, 3,600 rpm is the same max. speed for the K Series Kohler (K241 10 hp) that originally came in your 108
  13. kweimann

    Archive through November 02, 2004

    I have to disagree on straightening a crank. many shops that repair small engines have "Crank Straightening Jigs" just for that purpose. While I agree it is probably better to get a new crank, many have been successfully straightened using these Jigs. Rotary and Mfrs Supply sell the...
  14. kweimann

    Archive through September 27, 2004

    I meant Hytran Plus
  15. kweimann

    Archive through September 27, 2004

    Dave, Ultra is the only Hytran available at my Case dealer. Good stuff. About 40 bucks for 5 gals (with tax). I've been using it for 3 years now. I have some Ultran Plus but it looks kinda old. Kenny
  16. kweimann

    Archive through September 08, 2004

    Bryan, I thought Hydro had the 60 deck under a post IH CC SGT? Don't remember him having a 1650. I do remember him telling me that the 60 deck was heavy enough to break your back though. I hope he chimes in. Haven't heard from him in a while. Anyone have good pics of a #2 cart showing wheel...
  17. kweimann

    Archive through August 31, 2004

    If Wyatt shows an end view, you will see the jam nut he refers to.
  18. kweimann

    Archive through August 31, 2004

    Dave, Looks like it is threaded into the bottom of the cap after it has been cut down. ground and polished to a nice point. Kenny
  19. kweimann

    Archive through September 02, 2004

    Dave K., I took a governor out of a customer's never opened up 123 engine and it had a CAST IRON governor gear. I believe all of the plastic governors started out whitish in color, then due to dyes in the oil, eventually turned an amber color. Kenny
  20. kweimann

    Archive through August 15, 2004

    Jeff, The violet wire is usually the one that supplies power to the headlamps.