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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. D

    Broadcast Sprayer

    Terry, Mills Fleet Farm, Tractor Supply or someone like that should also have the holders and nozzles with different spray patterns. I made one out of an 55 gal plastic barrel, sprayer pump, tubing and nozzles I got from TSC. I don't know if you want to mow and spray at the same time. I...
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    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 9.0, April 9, 2005

    As I told several of the guys in emails, the best thing to say to a reporter is "no comment". They change a word or two, use one sentence instead of the several you used to describe what you mean and then the whole idea is lost. I thought this was the other Cub site...
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    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 9.0, April 9, 2005

    Lonny, Was it full of Cub parts? (Message edited by dtiernan on April 11, 2005)
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    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 9.0, April 9, 2005

    I saw a crowd around a tractor in the Deere corral. Robb was in the middle of a repair job with "borrowed" parts.
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    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 9.0, April 9, 2005

    Night plowing I believe this is Art in front. I don't know who was behind him.
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    Archive through April 06, 2005

    Charlie, <font size="+2">;o)</font>
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    Archive through January 03, 2005

    BnB I tried to EDIT it for you, but my password won't work!
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    Fuel shutoff

    Adrian, Sounds like you have a carb problem. The fuel should not flow when the engine is shut off. Check your float and make sure it floats. Check the needle and seat for debris that does not allow it to close, or damaged seal area. If you have never done anything to the carb, a kit might...
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    Down with Micro$oft?

    I tried Firefox on one of my computers and it seems to work well. I too like the tabbing. I wish it had the Full Screen button in the upper tool bar. I have to lean foward to hit the F11 key!
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    Brake controller

    Tedd, As long as it's set up for 4 brakes, should be OK. This guy said he has thermal problems with his. Some people may not even notice it if there is a problem. For that price, test it and if you aren't happy with it try something else. If you need a wiring diagram, Southwest Wheel has...
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    I see that the sand has been cleaned

    Dahmit Charlie! I just had the best night's sleep I've had in a week. Now I gotta stay awake and worry about this!
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    Archive through November 13, 2004

    Charlie, Machine shop, Sandbox, Pullers and <font size="+2">Geezers!!!</font>
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    Archive through November 09, 2004

    C'mon Tedd, make it easy. Midwest Super Cub
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    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 8.0, October 30, 2004

    Thanks to the Bluniers for a great Plow Day! It's always fun to see folks and BS. I spent too much time plowing and not enough visiting. Bubba even had to chase us out of the field for the drawings. Thanks to those that donated prizes. Since I never seem to win anything, I could hardly...
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    Archive through October 19, 2004

    Charlie. If he hasn't been able to grow any hair, did he at least get it tan so it isn't so blinding? (Message edited by dtiernan on October 19, 2004)
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    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 8.0, October 30, 2004

    Tom, I'm with ya! Last year I promised a cousin that I would go to his wedding. Guess when it is.......
  17. D

    Archive through August 06, 2004

    Jim Mac, The pictures at the bottom of this page show "item 50" and the dimensions you will want for the slot.