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Fuel shutoff

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2004
adrian a gitch
I have an IH 682 and for whatever reason if i don't close the fuel shut off, it will drain fuel into the engine when it is not running. I would like to use an automatic fuel shutoff. Anybody have any suggestions as to what kind and where to get one?

Sounds like you have a carb problem. The fuel should not flow when the engine is shut off. Check your float and make sure it floats. Check the needle and seat for debris that does not allow it to close, or damaged seal area.
If you have never done anything to the carb, a kit might be a good idea. I clean mine with carb cleaner and spray down all the holes to clean every thing out. Some of the guys here have gotten a 1 gal can of carb dip to soak them. Cleans it like new.

The fork lift industry uses 12V fuel shut off valves if you want to go that route. A local forklift repair company should be able to get one. I would guess that they are available through custom auto shops also.

If you go though the carb and make sure it is alright, that should solve the problem the right way.

<FONT SIZE="-2">IMO, FWIW, YMMV, My $0.02, Yada, Yada, Yada...</FONT>
Adrian- I will agree with what Dennis is saying take the carb apart and put it in the "burn out" solution for a couple hours and then put a new kit in it complete with a new float and set according to the manual and all should be well. There should be no need for an automatic fuel shut off like a forklift uses.
Hugh ... not since EPA put their foot down !
I've had one soaking 4 days and the bowl gasket still wont come off !!
It doesn't even eat the oil off my Pin Tools before I Black Oxide them.

Jim Steele on the other cub forum said that the newer Kohler 2 cyls had a solenoid shutoff built-in to the carb to solve the problem you describe. So maybe it's not a bad idea. My 682 with a KT17 series 1 does the same thing occasionally when I drive it downhill. It starts to blow black smoke and run rough. I found it filled my crankcase with gas if I just parked it without getting it level and running right again.

I have always wondered if this is one of the reasons the series 1 got such a bad rep because if I drove it with diluted oil I would expect some bearing damage and eventual failure. I haven't done any fixing on it yet but I keep a close eye on the oil level for signs it is going up and I change it immediately if it does. I have been collecting parts to replace the KT17 and plan on a solenoid shutoff or moving the tank under the seat .

Jim Egstad
Thanks for the advise all. I will attempt the carb kit first, probably could use one anyway. I like Jim's theory and will still keep an eye on it. Ever since i've been using the manual shutoff, haven't had any problems. I guess it will definitely be fixed with an engine replacement which won't happen soon. This engine won't give up, doesn't smoke, runs perfect.

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