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Yard Machines (MTD) Problem

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
May 28, 2003
Jeff Pierson
I got this a few years ago from the original owner who bought it new on 6-6-06 LOL
Anyways it seems the rear end went out. It moves, but has a massive skip every few feet I drive it. Feels like it's jumping in, and out of gear.
What I want to know is do you think it's worth trying to fix?
I never installed the mower deck onto my 1650 because it needs a lot of love. Though I will if the cost exceeds the value of repairing the MTD

Towing the MTD back into the garage
Jeff--the "throw away" tractor is ready for just that. Sounds like you need to set up a deck for the QL or buy yourself another Cub purposely for cutting lawn. Who on here really needs an excuse to but another Cub but it looks to me like you have a tailor made one!!! Keep us posted on what you decide!
Jeff Pierson

I know a guy over here that junks those and every other brand. He has std trans and hydros standing up against a wall in a row that he sells the std`s for 40 or 50 $ . I bet that it would be not that hard to find a junk yard over there if you ask around.Kijji ads and look for someone with and add that wants old lawn tractors for free. I bet he has what you want.
Thanks for your input guys. I think I will look for a replacement rear end for it. Though my cap is going to be $100.00 for this. If it's anymore, well it's going to be junked. I hate to do that because it's such a good running little machine.

Josh, oh I would love another cub! I'm tempted on just getting another one to mow the lawn with. Due to the fact if I do scrap the MTD and my current deck isn't worth fixing I will be on the lookout for one.
Jeff, around here you can find one of those one C-list for cheap money. Probably the whole unit too! Just a thought..
Bernie, thanks for the link!!!

Mike, ya I probably could. I'll keep a lookout on C-list for a week, and see what pops up.
Does that MTD have wheel weights on it??? If so, that certainly could have helped cause your trans issues IMHO. I bet the trans couldn't handle the fact that the wheels always had traction. LOL

Pull the motor from that, sell the frame for scrap and fix the mower deck for your 1650. In the end you'll be money ahead. Way ahead!
Now Jeff, there was a reason I purchased that mower on 6-6-06, it was a birthday present for my wife and her birthday is 6-6-66.