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Winterization ?

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Rob Achenbach

Jun 16, 2020
Lancaster, Pa
In southeastern Pennsylvania, the mowing season has finally come to an end and it's time to prep and wait for the snow, if it ever comes. Last year, chains on, blade on and ready to go but nothing plow worthy ever showed. Quite disappointing from that perspective. Regardless, the question is, how to prep the 129 for relatively long periods of possible inactivity? I've pulled the battery and the fuel always has Stabil mixed in. Is it worthwhile to drain the carburetor bowls of fuel ? or just run it dry? Are there other prep items? Open to any and all suggestions?
Rob, personal opinion...I do use "stable" but any engine that might set for more than 30 days I let it run out of fuel. If you have an inline shut off,fine..if not unhook a vacuum line so fuel can't pump.. It is extremely rare that I have a problem stating back up... The carb will be clean and dry inside.. Even if I drain the tank I run the carb dry....just remember to turn off key after
What I do iis:

Park in storage spot
Drain as much fuel as possible. (Siphon or pull fuel line)
Start the tractor, run at WOT until it dies. (Carb out of gas)
Turn the key off
Remove the battery if it is being stored in the cold.
Lock the shed and go back in the Spring.

This is what I have done to the 2 tractors and the ZTR. The 3rd tractor is sitting with the blade on it in the attached garage.

(which all this reminds me, I forgot the push mower.... LOL)
I do much of what others have posted. Running the carb dry is good on 2 points. It's less wear on the float needle from constant pressure on the tip, and less chance of fuel residue when it evaporates over time. Stabil Marine Grade is a definite plus as most fuels now have a 3 month shelf life. One extra I do is add a few lbs. to the tires. I think it helps keep things up when the temps and pressures drop. Come spring check vitals and tires. I've been doing this on the Gravely for years and about every Spring she starts with a short 1 or 2 second crank.
I perfer to use Star tron fuel stabilizer, To quote a popular add "T use that S#!+ in everything" 1 old challenger, 3 Harleys and the 14 gal gas can that fill up all the other lawn equipment with plus all the tractors. been using it since I can remember (at least since they started screwing with the fuel mixtures).
I use Sta-bil (with ethanol-free fuel) but leave the gas in over the winter. I have found that the rubber parts in the fuel system do not like to be cycled between dry and immersed in fuel; they tend to last longer if they remain in contact with fuel once they have been in use.

Rotortiller and leaf vacuum sit for nearly a year, every year, and I have never had fuel related issues leaving the fuel in, so long as it is ethanol free has Sta-bil in it.
+1 on the Star Tron. I had 3 year old gas in my HD with Star Tron added and ran fine in my Cub Cadet when I drained it out.
In southeastern Pennsylvania, the mowing season has finally come to an end and it's time to prep and wait for the snow, if it ever comes. Last year, chains on, blade on and ready to go but nothing plow worthy ever showed. Quite disappointing from that perspective. Regardless, the question is, how to prep the 129 for relatively long periods of possible inactivity? I've pulled the battery and the fuel always has Stabil mixed in. Is it worthwhile to drain the carburetor bowls of fuel ? or just run it dry? Are there other prep items? Open to any and all suggestions?
If you are possibly letting it sit for 4 months because the snow never showed up, I'd not worry about running the carb dry. Longer then that, I run my machines out of fuel
Yes, definitely go with gas stabilizer. I use the sta-bil marine (blue colored. It absorbs more moisture then the red.
Put a battery tender on the battery. Start it once a month, let it run for 10 minutes and it will be ready to go all winter without any other prep.
Loosen and remove spark plug, bring piston to TDC. Table spoon full of Clean 30w Oil down the spark plug hole and replace the sparkie
I too run small engine equipment until fuel is gone, but then run it further on choke until it’s really empty. I fog oil the piston and rotate the engine a few times, add some dielectric grease to the spark plug boot, remove battery and put it on an automatic battery charger, spray engine with WD-40, set mouse traps, wax, place desiccant containers, and then cover. Haven’t had a problem restart in 40 years.
I think paraffins in the fuel are worse than the ethanol component, so there is only so much that Startron and Stabil can do. IMHO better to run it dry
Run snowmobile gas in everything, plus MMO and you'll never have a problem. (y)

I've got a 1450 I parked in the back shed 5 years ago that I filled up and stored, took it out last week, put a battery in it and it fired off after 3 roll overs.
I think paraffins in the fuel are worse than the ethanol component, so there is only so much that Startron and Stabil can do. IMHO better to run it dry

Cycling the rubber components of the fuel system between exposed to fuel and dry is pretty hard on them. I've had better luck keeping stabilized no-ethanol fuel in mine.

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