Thank you... It's funny you say that because I drive my wife nuts. My aunt Paula always told me "your work is your reputation, and a man is only as good as his reputation" That has stuck with me.
We have a local hardwood and exotic dealer up here called "Belle forest products." They do 99% of their business online, but allow locals to come in and buy. They have EVERYTHING. Any wood you can dream of, bubinga, zebra wood, and cocobola, to cherry, ash, hickory, or walnut, and everything in between. You should give them a Google when your bored. Last week they had white ash for $3.00 per board foot, so my trailer got loaded!
Those smoke poles are gorgeous

, and definitely ones to be proud of! I recently sold my business, I was into the import and export side of the fire arms industry, dealing mostly with shops in Canada

, with a little bit of local retail. I have seen many pieces of lumber strapped to a nice rifle, but that stock is definitely NOT lumber! It's art...