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Kraig and Terry- Thanks for posting the pics of the North Shore. That was where me and my wife took our honeymoon 5 years ago in September; 2 days in Duluth at Canal Park watching ships come in and out and a couple days up and down the shore stopping when ever we felt like it. What a fun trip I would like to do it again in a few years.
Yet another trip......
Guess where went this time.
I have a couple more pictures that might give it away so I'll post them later.

Real simple Terry- Ya went to Rollag this weekend. heard that it was a mudhole to say the least.
Anyone afraid of heights? Just walked over this today. Got the willies!! Can you guess where?

Terry, I have no idea where that is. How high up is it? Did you by chance have a bungee with ya?
KENtucky, not at all, just looks like the kind of place people would bungee jump from.
Not me! The only rubberband I want around me is the one holding up my drawers ;)

I can't believe there's a car on that bridge. It looks more like a foot swinging bridge than for auto use.
"No fishing from the bridge" I wonder if anyone has tried? Do they even make a roll of fishing line long enough?
95 degrees today, but its a good dry heat. Can you guess where these were taken?
