Jim, Randy is correct, that is a Sears cat-0 three point lift. They adapt quite well to a Cub Cadet. Here are some photos of one that Myron Bounds (RIP) had on his 122.

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Upgrade NowJohn there any pix of that 149 you described?I have a friend who takes care of a condo complex as a side job. He made one from a goldfish pond mesh cover. He then ties a "sled" made of the same material to the back hitch on his tractor and places the humongous leaf bag on top of it. The bag drags on the sled so it doesn't get ripped up. I was impressed with his homemade system even though he was dragging it with a green tractor lol. That said, he showed me his dad's tractor that he bought at the estate sale. Turns out to be a 149 with hydraulics, tiller, blade, cultivator, wheel weights etc....He is getting some paint work done while the engine is getting rebuilt.