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Tire chains

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I'll keep Vulcan in mind for next time. My daughter's fil gave me a set of tire chains, and I cut them down to fit, so I'm set now.
My homemade chains are performing excellent no complaints. watch the summer garage sales for chain.
Has anyone seen chains like these? I found them at the resale store in town today for 2.00 dollars , couldn't pass them up. I've never seen this type and can't find them on the internet.



Keith O - sorry never seen a chain set up like that before. How do you get it on the inside of the tire? It looks a little light duty to me but may be just right for a concrete or asphalt surface.
By the way, I was noticing your tail light lense appears to be mounted upside down - I can't read the letters even if I rotate the pic. What's the name on that lense?
Me neither but for 2 bucks you cant go wrong,,,too bad you sterched the page LOL
Harry, There Bargman lights and they are upside down. They were like that when I bought the tractor and I just never fixed them. The chains are light duty, I guess I'm lucky they fit. I just thought they looked about the right size.
Jeff - I agree.

Keith - did you have to remove the tire to get them around the inside?
(that tail light lense appears to have some dried wax rub into the letters/numbers. You need to use an old toothbrush to remove that. Otherwise it's distracting to people like me)
No, I just raised the tire off the ground and slipped them on. They have a tightener on both sides where the chain link connects and pulls tight. Look at the pictures and you will see what I'm talking about. They are easy to put on. Took maybe 5 min. And I will detail it after I pull the engine and change the iso mounts check to see if it has balance gears and take the head off to clean carbon if there is any. Got all the parts just need time...