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Things that Kill my Cub time.

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WOW! Glad to hear you are OK.
Marlin, yikes! Glad you got away with just the bruises and imprints.
I got home too late to take a picture outside. I did stop in to the police station and reported the incident. After Angel and coworkers convinced me that it needed to be reported so someone else doesn't get hurt. While in Theisens in Ames, an employee said that his wife and him have permission to pick up the walnuts on that very rental property's lawn. The dog will be quarantined for ten days. That made me happy. I just don't want anyone else getting hurt or worse.

First, i'm glad you are ok.
Second, did you get your blade back?

The local lawyers would love to hear about that!

There was an incident a few years ago, a couple of miles from my home.
A little girl was outside playing one day, when two or three dogs approached her.

I am not sure if they were pit bulls or not, but the end result was the same. At least she didn't suffer long.

The owners of the dogs denied the dogs belonged to them, so they were not found guilty of anything.
As soon as the trial was over, the owners asked if they could have their dogs back!

I will never understand or get over that tragedy.
It makes my blood boil every time I think of it.
Marty G. Angel has a picture on her Facebook page. The fella said that he didn't remember what he did with the blade. I feel a lot better that I reported the incident. A lot of people have said the dog was obviously trained to attack. That thick winter jacket literally saved me from a hospital visit. I'm pretty sure the family doesn't have insurance so all the costs would have been on my insurance. I just don't understand how someone ca justify having a pet trained to attack unless they are trying to hide something.

I was going to use the blade to make a box blade. Hopefully another gentleman has a homemade blade that I will ask about next week.
Marty G. With my luck that poor dog would have grabbed my hand then. I'm going to just bypass any place with barking dogs from now on. Probably hold up a big sign saying, "Is that Cub Cadet for sale?"
In a way.... it was one heck of a learning lesson. I never heard that dog bark so I can't judge which is worse. The bark or the bite.

Definitely the bite!

Dogs are not the only thing to be concerned with now days.
Some people are crazier than dogs!

Did you see on the news where some idiots on dirt bikes/four wheelers on the highway beat some guy almost to death?

I will not go into my story (too long to post), but, like American Express I won't leave home without it. Insurance, that is. (my Bull)
Marty G. And our Idiots Out Wandering Around legislators are considering a Stand Your Ground bill that won't have happy endings. Enough of this.... let's talk what's killing my Cub time now... Stinking weather.... first it's too cold, too wet and now... cold and snow. I'd put the joke behind that in the Clean joke section because it's not really dirty. In fact no dirt was harmed when I first heard it years ago. But....
We didn't get any snow, but the cold wind kept me inside yesterday.
I did manage to take my steering unit apart and clean all that old grease out of it.
Man, was it ever greasy!
Also got another pile of parts to be sandblasted.
Gerry I. He used to have a bunch of lawn tractors that were given to him. Can't remember what happened to those either. And he hasn't been off his acreage that long. It isn't Alzheimers though. So we're all
He's gotta be somewhat off his acreage to keep a dam dog like that loose in the house when someone knocks on the door, geesh. I'll et the mailman just loves that place!

THOSE dog owners should be required to have insurance that would cover an incident like that in order to obtain a license for the critter.

You and I gotta have liability to CYA for a car, and even a GT or gator at RPRU.
One time our insurance agent stopped by for a property review. Told us we had to keep our Golden Retriever tied up because it was considered dangerous. The only thing he ever did that was bad was shed.
I hear you Doug. We used to have a Golden Retriever. We joked that you could build a new dog every few days from the hair that was shed. I'd love to get another someday, but need to be committed to daily brushings.
Things that kill my cub time?
Yeah, like road trips to pick up more attachments!
Gotta stay off the internet, see too much stuff I like.


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