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The wife

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Jim, thanks for the update, wish it would have been a good one. I hope and pray that your wife fully heals up ASAP and that you both get to take that cruise sooner rather than later.
Jim H. Thank You for the update. We're still keeping your wife and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Keep thinking positive.
On Easter we had they family up. Wife and I decide that we wanted to plant 2 tress. We went with red oaks with the thought the will be here after we are gone. It was such a nice day. So I put the original on the cart with the tools and mulch. It was bitter sweet in a way. But after everyone left that night it was emotional for her. Although she a very strong women, She kind of like a onion. Peel her back on layer @ a time. But there times when I wish I could use a knife to open. And fix the core of the problem. But I find when we get there I don't have the words.
Not sure about the onion part but sure do like the tree idea! Not only should they be here after we're gone, they'll be here for you to enjoy while we're here. Great choice, and thanks for sharing.
Jim Harder

There is a lesson in this for all of us ! Enjoy what you have today . time is not kind !
I was out watering the trees today and them things have grown. There at least a inch of new bloom on every bloom they have. Don't know how fast red oaks grow but I thought that was fast for only being planted a week ago today. They were around 8 feet tall when we got them. Just surprised me.
Jim...Glad to hear good news from you. Hope you and your wife are doing well.
OK, I shall now submit my humble request for PICS.
I gladly would but I got a new computer, and once I email the pics to myself and save them I cant find them anywhere. Plus there a resizer on here that I have no idea how to use. Wish I did or could.
Well today is our 1 year anniversary. And what a year it has been. But we made it through it still standing beside each other. That what counts.

Go to the computer question thread and read about how to resize. I had the same problem.
Jim, I'm usually available to post emailed pics. Congrats on getting through this year of strife. Let's put a face (2) to a name??
Jim, I am sending the both of you huge congrats for your first year, and making it through with no major scapes or bruises... the hard times define what we become. With the struggles, we learn we are sooo much stronger then we thought we were, and when you have a partner who is with you and not agaisnt you, all can be overcome. Illness is one of the most difficut of paths to share. We learn so much about ourselves by challenging when we are stuck in the middle of hardships. It isnt always what we do but how we do it that defines who we are.

Happy anniversary, Jim. Sorry to hear of your hardship over the past few months
Just figured I would drop a line and explain my missing status for those who may be wondering. The wife and I are getting a divorce. It been a battle and still isn't over. who knows what the future holds but thanks for those who listened when it was rough in the beginning. Maybe one day I shall return. Thanks Jim
Jim, oh boy. I hope it works out as well as can happen.