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The cats are here, now it's time for the dogs

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Beautiful dog! And Happy Birthday!

Even though I only have four cats now I'm still a dog person at heart.

Is he Partial to the Mrs.?

Plus you have automatic in home security!

Yes he is very "partial" to ALL 4 family members actually. I was NEVER a dog person until this baby really became my friend hangin out in garage w/ me on those late nights working on cubbie!

He is Spoiled Rotten actually, Never Slept outside a single night and your mention of in home security,,,,, !!!!!!
Boy let me tell ya,,, He Really is a Great Big 80Lb Baby. But when he hears or sees a stranger anywhere remotely close to the house his short hairs stand straight up on his back and the most Vicious Deep Growling & Barking that comes out of him would make you think That Cujo was a fancy poodle!!! LoL
The Doberman breed was something we obviously had no experience with but his Warning GRoWL and Barks are combined with his sprinting in the back door till he makes eye contact with one of us then straight back to the fence "Danger Area" Like he is actually trying to tell us "Hey" Come out here YOU guys and check this out!!!!!!!!
We considered the Actuall Professional dog training but once he got through his small puppy stage and started to realize what we would allow and NOT ALLOW he seem to just click around the 6mnth mark,,, Super Smart/Intelligent dog and we love him to death,,, He truly is one of the Family!!!!!

Mike F -

He got One piece of the Cookie Cake and about 5 Fresh Cooked Strips of Bacon,,, MMMmmmMmMmmmmmm!!!!


Happy Belated Birthday to Cain! Mmmmm, cookie cake and bacon!
After Thanksgiving dinner, sitting around talkin w/ the family.
Everyone's belly full of turkey.

Jason, great photo! That puppy has a bad case of Turkey coma.
Schultzie. Reminds me of Fancy waiting for me to wake up.

Frank C. He's putting on one great show as one tough puppy.









Access home network via iPhone app so momma can check on her "Baby" while away from the house,,,
