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Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
The LONG AWAITED announcement for Spring Plow Day is here!

It will be at the Travis Schweizer farm north of Rockford, Iowa 50468 on APRIL 14th with NO RAIN DATE!
It's going to be the 14th or nothing!

ALL makes & model garden tractors welcomed.

We're planning on doing a few more things/events than are normally done, so plan on having a great day that you will remember for a long time.

Stay tuned to plowday.net in the next week or so for updates and other information regarding the event.
Hold on there a second,
Plow day is going to be on SATURDAY April 14th ?
That would mean I would have to drive to Charles City to the motel on <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!</font></font>
Now whos the one I need to talk to about the scheduleing of this event so we would have to drive on one of the most unluckiest days of the year.

Guess I had better pack my rabbits foot,& 4 leaf clover.
NaH! It's not so bad, the cars that drive themselves are actually considerate. Well, lets hope I have a Cub to plow with. The Case 220 didn't do so well last fall. Maybe Kevin will let me use his 1650 again...
Calendar is marked!!

Rumor has it that if Charlie is still sporting that cast he is gonna do a special 1 arm plow!!!
Lonny not only will it be friday the 13th but it will be pd 13 as well ...As you can tell I'm not supersticious ar all. As for Charlie we now can plow together tag team style ...Lets hope he's better by then !!!!!
OK, guys and gals.
Signup time is here for SPRING PLOWDAY.

We are also planning on having a pulling sled and maybe a Slow Race and possibly other things to make it a great day for everyone.

THANKS to Mike H. for setting up the Registration page and BOTH Robb,Mike and WFM for their support.
is there going to be a friday night plow too at pd13?? thanks chris
Can't wait Charlie! I registered the 1200, and my other. Sounds like a great time with all the activities. Boss OK'd me for time off so I'm ready to go, oh wait, the 150 needs...
WELL I'm ready in my mind.
Just to give credit where it is due, Charlie is the host of this event, not me. All the planning, events, times, etc are on his end. Sounds like he's got some good ideas to make it an even better event.
Does that mean if it rains that we should still show up and we'll do stuff in the mud instead? I'm cool with that, the mud might be fun!
or does it mean that if it rains, there is no spring plow day.
Chris B.
If it rains we'll gather in the barns or head down to the park in Rockford and see what kinda trouble we can cause!
We're trying to get an idea about how many want to hook up to a pulling sled.
We don't want to take away from plowing and BS'ing.
Just thought it might be something to add to the event.
Any comments yea or ney are welcome.
What , no "NO" vote ?

I say everybody heads to Charlie's house if it rains
That'll work. I kinda want to hook up to a sled or somethin, Probably will blow a hydraulic line on the case tho. I'm interested in if we have a slow race.
How about a fast race?
It might be worth bringing along the project 100 I am working on.
I think a pulling sled would be pretty cool.

As for racing: If there is a fast race I think a helmet should be required if corners are involved. (Heck, we might need insurance.) If it was a drag race, it would be a lot safer.

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