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Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

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How does that ol' expression go, "Never look a gift horse in the mouth"??? I think that applies here.
I have added my pic's of PD 13 to the Gallery


I had a fantastic time and enjoyed seeing old friends & meeting new ones. It’s always nice to meet the folks you meet here in person. It’s kind of funny the rivalry between the Cub & Deere guys. We rib each other & make jokes, but if your tractor breaks, the color of your tractor makes no difference.
I look forward to seeing everyone again at PD14.
Brian - <blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

I personally could have cared less if any of it even made it off the trailer and that's after a nine hour drive.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

teach the kids that there are still some sane people in this world<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Are you sure you want to stick with that statement ?
Kurt -

oh and Charlie said all you did was wash off the side of the tank ... something about coming up to short or something like that
Kurt R.
I hope you all had a good laugh whey you all where talking about how I injured my back, but I also hope you gain some usefull insite when it comes to loading a garden tractor into the back of your trucks. Like dont ride the tractor into the truck if it has a topper on it.

I would have been there rain/snow/sleat/hail or mud knee deep had I not injured myself as I always have had a great time BSing with Charlie P, Art A, Robb K, John L, Travis S, and the rest of the gang.
I have heard rummers of a possable northern Min. plowday this fall, I sure hope it turns into a for real plowday. I know I will be watching this forum for more info on it as the year trudges along.
If I rember corectly a couple of years ago there was intrest in having more plowdays, but there where no takers on hosting an event due to lack of land or unadvailabity of land, so we all realy need to thank Travis and his neighbor for alowing all of us to come down and play on their land.

Every year I hold my own little plowdays, I plow my large garden in the spring and again in the fall, and I have even invited some fellow forum members who live in this part of Wi. to come down for the day and have a bit of fun with their tractor, but so far I have had to takers. Probly because it would only take an hour or two to plow under my garden.
I guess what I am saying is everyone who ever attends a plowday event needs to rember, the host has no control over the weather, the land owner has no control of the weather and both the host and land owner has the finiall say as to plow or not plow, and we all need to thank the host and land owner for inviteing us to come play/plow on their land.

The fall plow day will be held in Montrose MN, 35 miles straight west of Mpls.No date has been set yet.It will depend on the wheat harvest.Stay tuned.
Just read the past comments on the previous page and got to thinkin... Have we lowered ourselves to this . What ever happened to the notion of just getting together and having a fun day, and putting faces with the names, doing some BS ing,swapping some steel and acting like adults who love these little tractors regardless of color . It is real easy to sit on the out side and critique whats going on. I have never hosted a large pd but Judging from knowing Charlie and Travis and our past plow day hosts it is not an easy job coordering everything from food to parking to door prizes and hoping like hell for good weather ... It can't be easy. Frankly I'm ashamed of this acting like 7 th grade boys in the locker room for the first time together { mine is bigger than yours } . Lets get real boys. THANKS AGAIN TO Charlie ... Travis and anyone who helped or assisted in anyway with pd 13 I personally had a blast, Can't wait till the next PD . Bottom line is we all need to look in the mirror,and some of us { not gonna mention any names } need to GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pat and I had a great time. Thanks bunches for the effort and the ground to play in. Yes I said play. I am really liking this muddy stuff too. Using mud/dirt from Travis and Steve B. I was able to fill in some holes in my yard that the new pup dug. My neighbor works thinks I may have violated some laws transporting that much Iowa soil across state lines. I am also very glad no one witnessed the foot race that Robb K and I had later in the day. It was "THE" real Green vs Red thing. Thanks again and I really hope you wanna host another one. Good call guys!
I would just like to say again thanks to travis,charlie, and kurt who interduced me to alot of people, the effort that was put into this event showed, and i maybe having one of the farest drives to get there would do it all over again,that iowa field was by far better plowing than some places i go in the east, but people show up to plow whenever because they have fun if you can't have fun and a good time then it's time to find something indoors where you can predict the climate,i was one of the last to leave the field and took a few moments to look at just how much was plowed and how neat it looked, as far as pulling it was all for fun,no one payed a 60.00 entry fee and spent 5,000 on a motor it was not the n.q.s.it was a fun thing for whoever wanted to play! i came home with alot more than i went with, {friends}thats pricless,Guys thank you for a wonderful time! to those that did not have fun,getta life you like thats perfect and oh by the way let me know if you find one!
It would have been a 12 hour drive for me BUT I nor anyone else has ever said I was sane! I use to drive 16 - 18 hours straight through to east Tx just on a whim of boredom. I'll try to get some money saved ahead of time for a PD but you guys are killing me on the locations!!
OK, now that we have all the drama handled, lets get to posting some pics in this thread to get back on topic, Please and thank you.
I would like to thank Charlie,and Travis we had a great time athe swap meet,and pull. The plowing challenging, but it would not be fun if everything was easy. The pull track came together better than I first thought it would. I had fun with my 582 with a stock 18hp Command runing at 3600 rpm. I had plenty of chances to sell the box blade on back of my 1650, but had more fun working the track. Can't wait to do it all again.
Ken - I don't know what you're complaining about; I think the Iowa and MN locations are pretty sweet! Except it's really putting pressure on me to get set up to plow...
My dad would have loved to see a Plow Day. I bought my 782 from my Mom after Dad died three years ago (he would have been 91 last Sunday). He was a lifelong farmer on a small 170 acre farm. He truly believed that farming started "going to hell" when they started making 6 row corn planters! Small scale was his style and he loved the Cub, so seeing all the small tractors and one bottom plows would have made him smile. He also was CHEAP, so he would have ...LOVED the...

Unexpected benefit of Plow Day - fond memories of my Dad.
Greg - 1800 mile round trip that's what! Nowadays I hate driving 10 miles to town. Maybe I'll fly ...

Where's da pix ppl ???