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Signs of Spring

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2010
Farmville, North Carolina
Jeremiah Chamberlin
The Bradford Pear tree in my neighbor's yard is blooming. They're blooming all over the Carolinas. Spring can't be far away.

(Thought those of you who live North of the Mason-Dixon line might have reason to hope that Winter will soon be over.)

You got that right, Jeremiah! I've still got 2 feet of snow in my yard, with 5 foot piles at the end of the driveway. So far, we're 36+ inches above "average" (as if there is such a thing!), and March is often our snowiest month. Yikes.

Thanks for providing a brief glimmer of hope!
I still have 1 1/2" of hard ice on the drive, most of the snow is gone. Last month we had a all time record snow. I'm ready for spring too.
We had record snow here in Tn. Now the flowers are coming up and the shrubs are looking green, the maple trees are budding. Night temp in the 30s day temp inthe 60s. I have been plowing some neighbors gardens with the big tractor when it is dry enough. Will be planting potatoes in about two weeks.
And don't forget the red-breasted robins. My yard is full of them this morning. They really tick off my fat cat because they won't stand still. It's too cold for my other cat. She stays inside until the sun gets on up. I like to watch the birds walk around then stop, turn their heads back and forth (listening) then hammer the ground usually pulling back a big, juicy worm.

I think most everyone will be ready for spring after a winter like this one has been.


I'm guessing we're about 50 miles apart. I'm over here a little west of Chapel Hill. I see you're down below Wilson.
The only sign of spring I'm looking for is one these guys in front of my Benelli!

Bobby those things are everywhere. I enjoy watching them when i can. they are very shy. On my other property there is one extremely large gobler that has one leg shorter than the other. He will not fly when the others do. I guess he can't. I will try to get a picture of him.
Is snow a sign of spring?
It's snowing here this morning.
Must be Spring in Arizona, I see the Motor homes heading out of town. (Snow Birds heading North)
OK, here is something to satisify everyone. White flowers like snow...green leaves like spring.


SNOW-DROPS...and Daffodils or Crocus peaking thru also.
Here's another sign of spring. Yes, Kraig, that's the same fender pan that was under snow. It's awaiting more sanding and a few top coats along with the frame behind it. That Yellow Belle is more of a CCC color to me or maybe even a JD yellow.



The 124 is getting ready to haul more mulch from down by the pond bed. This is when I do a lot of mulching. I grind my own and a good percentage of the mulch is good ole sweet gum balls; they make a fine mulch and are thick on the ground for about a month now. That's the same mulch around the hyacinth (sp) in the second photo.
Wayne, and we have yet more snow on the way... Is that "yellow Belle" a Forsythia?

Yep, that's what it actually is. That hyacinth is thicker than hair on a dogs back. I thinned it a couple of years ago. It's time to do it again next fall. It was a favorite of Moms.
A few pictures of Spring around my parts. Temporary potting table and 5 earth boxes awaiting potting soil and veggie seedlings.


A red maple with new leaves...




And the tomato plant that lived all winter and gave a good harvest with it's last fruit.

I know it's getting close to spring when I can finally see the Moose's legs that are 2 ft. under the snow out front! And We've got a ways to go.
Charlie, a <font size="-2">(semi)</font>serious question..Everyone knows thats horses, mules, oxen have been used to pull wagons and other work items. Does anyone know if anyone was ever able to use moose as a draft animal? Its not going to happen around my area, but where they live I thought it could be possible. <font size="-2">(Especially since you have only one real road in the area)</font>