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Signs of Spring

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kraig, maybe the geese are so confused by the weather that they're flying in circles!
Jeremiah, you could very well be correct! If you notice the one side of the < is much longer with the flock in my photo. Perhaps there was too much drag on that side causing them to fly in a large counterclockwise direction.
Speaking of that, do you know why one side of the < is usually longer than the other side?

Because there's more geese on that side.

Yeah, I know; "Don't quit your day job."
On a 149 with hydraulic lift the plastic blades on the hyd. fan are broken. I replaced the fan. Is their a measurement, from the flex joint to the fan??
All: In a sure sign of Spring at least three motorcycles were spotted on my commute today. No wonder, the thermometer hit 80 degrees in Eastern North Carolina!

All we need now are flower shots from Florida by Richard Tunison and a few shots from Kraig to compare North and South.

By-the-way, this post is dedicated to that Canadian motorcycle maniac --Donald Tanner!
Yea, we had a sign of spring here today!
2 freakin skunks woke up and wandered around the yard for a while!
Jeremiah, here's what it looked like at my place this morning.



Richard T., tag, your it!
Jeremiah, not tired of the snow just yet, there was no snow there on Monday. That all fell Tuesday-Wednesday and last night.
Wow guys ,the news here tonight said 85 tornadoes hit 12 states in the US.Winds of 175 mph. some town are wiped out . I did see what they can do a few years ago in Ontario , What a mess , I just hope there was not much loss of life .
I pray our fellow forum friends are alright as I know some live in the middle of all that mess.
In Tennessee tornadoes can hit anytime of year. They are worse when it is in the 70s and cold air moves in fast. We had 3 people killed Wednesday, about 20 miles south of me. Yesterday we had a lot of property damage but no fatalities. We don"t like 70s temperatures this time of year. I sure don"t miss working those storms. We would work about 40 hours straight then start on 16 hour days till we had all the customer back on line. Yes i enjoy retirement.
Yes i am Allen.I have looked him up on mapquest a couple times, and am planning to get up there and meet him this spring.
You gotta remember that Richard is cheating here. He lives in Florida, I live in The Garden State, where its just getting warm.
Charlie, I'm filling a box with bubble wrap and will send you a "box of warmth' soon.