My problem, is that I went to cut what I would call some high field grass (about 24") in my fathers field and my 1512 just wasn't "cutting it". Every once in awhile even though I was cutting outward, it seems like the blades weren't cutting well and maybe the belt was slipping. As I cut the grass, half the grass would remain high, especially between the blades. The blades seem fairly sharp, and I cleaned out the bottom of the deck before attempting the cut.
I'm trying to determine the proper length for what I guess you would call the "Mule Drive" mower belt for my 1512 using a 50C deck. I have tried looking at the Cub Parts lookup above, and a few of the sponsors web pages and saw a reference to a (754-3005, 954-3005 or IH 59702 C1) belt that was 1/2" x 85 1/2" but the description says "DECK SPINDLE 1/2 x 85 1/2 - 359 50 50C inch 3 Spindle Deck". I'm not sure if the 1512 requires a different belt than other Cubs using this deck, because it is uses a diesel motor.
With the belt tight, #2 in the picture is still about 1 1/4" out too far in comparison to where the "proper tension" picture shows it should be, also the screw adjustment marked #3 in this picture is shows about 2 1/4" of threads on my deck.
I think the belts I have bought may be the wrong length. The last time I bought a replacement belt they just measured the one I brought in off the mower and replaced it with the same size. I don't have a problem cutting "regular" grass, but when I was cutting my fathers field, it stopped and the PTO started going crazy. I could pull off to the side in previously cut grass and get the blades started again, but in a few seconds, before even trying to get into the high grass, the blades would disengage. The PTO would stay in the upright position, but the blades wouldn't go. Sometimes they wouldn't start at all. This problem with the blades stopping, happened after about an hour of cutting. After the machine cooled off a bit, everything seemed fine out off the field, and I put the Cub on the trailer and brought it home. Cut my regular grass yesterday, and everything seems fine.
I am guessing that the problem may be an incorrect belt. As a side question, is there some sort of safety mechanism in the PTO to shut down if it gets too hot? That's what seemed to be happening.
Sorry this was so long, but I wanted to explain exactly what happened.
Thank you,
I'm trying to determine the proper length for what I guess you would call the "Mule Drive" mower belt for my 1512 using a 50C deck. I have tried looking at the Cub Parts lookup above, and a few of the sponsors web pages and saw a reference to a (754-3005, 954-3005 or IH 59702 C1) belt that was 1/2" x 85 1/2" but the description says "DECK SPINDLE 1/2 x 85 1/2 - 359 50 50C inch 3 Spindle Deck". I'm not sure if the 1512 requires a different belt than other Cubs using this deck, because it is uses a diesel motor.
With the belt tight, #2 in the picture is still about 1 1/4" out too far in comparison to where the "proper tension" picture shows it should be, also the screw adjustment marked #3 in this picture is shows about 2 1/4" of threads on my deck.

I think the belts I have bought may be the wrong length. The last time I bought a replacement belt they just measured the one I brought in off the mower and replaced it with the same size. I don't have a problem cutting "regular" grass, but when I was cutting my fathers field, it stopped and the PTO started going crazy. I could pull off to the side in previously cut grass and get the blades started again, but in a few seconds, before even trying to get into the high grass, the blades would disengage. The PTO would stay in the upright position, but the blades wouldn't go. Sometimes they wouldn't start at all. This problem with the blades stopping, happened after about an hour of cutting. After the machine cooled off a bit, everything seemed fine out off the field, and I put the Cub on the trailer and brought it home. Cut my regular grass yesterday, and everything seems fine.
I am guessing that the problem may be an incorrect belt. As a side question, is there some sort of safety mechanism in the PTO to shut down if it gets too hot? That's what seemed to be happening.
Sorry this was so long, but I wanted to explain exactly what happened.
Thank you,