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Chippewa County Heritage Days














Lonny, nice pictures !!!!

We had 15 plows there. A total of 10 Cub Cadets, 10 John Deeres, and 1 other(Sears maybe?) sharing plows and doing other tillage work. The sod was not very nice to us, but the corn stubble worked very well!

I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

Thanks to all that came!

The event for this comming weekend at Amery Wis. has been cancelled.
As per the NWWLGT web page
Jeff, Concerning Chelsea, Iowa Plow day in August, the first chance I get I'm going down and check out the plow day site and find out the acres to be plowed, date, etc. Need to know too!
Thakns John. That is REALLY close for me also. I have a couple of coworkers planning on going. Bad part is ... I will only have two Cub Cadets.

An Iowa plow day? I havent heard about this one yet. Anyone got details they might be able to share me with? I've done a lot of hunting around Grinnell, nice easy drive from Michigan. LOL
John L. Is it too early to find motel accomdations/rates for any Cubbers wishing to attend the Chelsea Plow Day? Perhaps the ones in Tama/Toledo would be closet. Just a thought.
The actual location of this event will be about 1 mile East of Tama on North side of HWY 30. I visited the site today and took photos in the area.
Here they are Mid August Plow Day site East of Tama Iowa
Still don't have the actual date. Tama/Toledo will be a great host town. Big Indian casino is just West of town on HWY 30. The field is plenty big for lots of plowing. Nice Slopes too!
A Big THANK YOU, John!!! On another note. For those that have some information about the former Chizek Manufacturing Company of Clutier, Iowa. Clutier isn't that far from the Plowing site. Although the original owner has long since passed his son, Dempsey is still around. I know that Dempsey would love to acquire copies of any information about the attachments that his Dad's company used to build for all brands of garden tractors.He is a really great fella to visit with. Maybe somehow he could be persuaded to attend and we could get him a plow to use.

I do agree with what John has said about the Tama/Toledo area motels. The area is a pretty countryside. The local officers like to ticket any speeders though. So, please obey the speed limits.

Charlie P. Are you going to this one? I sure hope to have THREE Cubs ready to plow with. I have a couple of coworkers providing their trailer for extra transportation. I'll just need to borrow/rent another plow. Of course I could just bring the discs that I'll have.

HEY!!!! Wait a minute!!! About those turkey vultures... They aren't planning on dropping on us are they? Or will they be searching for dead Deere?
The Tama-Chelsea Plow Day date has been set for Saturday August 11th. Watch for more info as it gets closer. The organizer's wife is making up a poster and will drop some copies off for me in the next few days. That should help fill in some details.

I have nothing to do with setting up or organizing this event, just passing on info to those who might be interested in attending. Both large antique tractors and garden tractors will be plowing, but in separate area of the field.
Perhaps a show of hands as to who is thinking or will be going to Tama/Toledo Plow Day.


Anybody need info on nearby Motels?
I might be at this one!!! My boys need a good dose of small tractor plowing!
John L. By chance do you have any posters that you could scan and send me a copy of for the Tama/Toledo event? A couple of local dealers are willing to post those. THANK YOU!!!
Feel free to print of copies of this poster. It's all I have.

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