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On giving advice.....(an opinion)

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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BBC gives me the same effect as Viagra !!
Honey ... gotta goooooooooooooooooo
You didn't pee on my toes, and perhaps I was a bit hot-headed in my reply. My apologies if I came off that way.

It appears as though we agree on the basics regarding these little gears but differ on the "what next" which is just fine in my book.

Here's the comical part to all of this...
Shortly after pulling the gears out of this engine, I decided to go "whole-hog" and rebuilt the engine.

I got this pic off of the Kirk website, but this is what the crankshaft now looks like...

Hi Art, Looks like you could change your tagline to "All Cubs should have crank weights" based upon that pic.

Perhaps a disclaimer needs to be included in all replies to "How do I?" posts, kind of like our old days with the YMMV thing? Your Mileage May Vary....
On second thought, nah!
Jim, \ch {disclaimer} without the space between the "\ch" and the "{disclaimer}" gives ya this:

<FONT SIZE="-2">IMO, FWIW, YMMV, My $0.02, Yada, Yada, Yada...</FONT>
A few of the "K" series/Magnum singles were built using a 3 gear balance system, btw. Not sure if you guys knew that. I don't recall if any were CC specs, I doubt it.

Just an engineer trying to fix a problem that really didn't exist in the first place.

The "3 gears" were not much fun to time, also another opportunity to go
Thanks Kraig! I forgot about that, I think my body's balance gears are getting loose!
I had a flu type virus affect my inner ear in '05 - since then I've been looking for a new balance gear setup for my head... probably explains a lot...

'nuff said on the subject..'twas my bad...