Kyle Vick
Hello all! I’m looking to get my mower deck ready for the spring, and I’m trying to figure out everything I would need to get it up to snuff. It’s a model 483U-1111. I am picking up a mule drive and carriage this weekend (thanks KHarvey!), what else do I need to get it 100%? I plan on replacing the rear wheel brackets and wheels.
It looks rough, but I hope it will get me through summer so I can rebuild it this upcoming winter.
Also, is this even the correct deck? This is what I was given when I bought my 149.
Thanks in advance!
Kyle Vick
It looks rough, but I hope it will get me through summer so I can rebuild it this upcoming winter.
Also, is this even the correct deck? This is what I was given when I bought my 149.
Thanks in advance!
Kyle Vick