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LUTHER - Ahhhh, Gravity unloading. Back when Dad still farmed most gas barrels were up on stands about 6-7 feet off the ground to the bottom of the tanks. Dad had two, one gas and one diesel, that reverted back to gas again when the 450-G FARMALL came on the place. Both tanks held about 300-350 gal and I remember draining the one gas barrel in a week one spring with the 450. It would use a tank of gas, about 20-21 gal in the morning, one in the afternoon, and if I stayed out close to dark Dad would have to bring me another 10-15 gal of gas about the time he started chores. It really wasn't THAT big a gas hog, burned about 4 to 4-1/2 gal/hour pulling 4-bottom equipment so was the same gal/acre as an M, just had too small a gas tank.

One night I plowed for the neighbor I worked for with a 4020-Gas tractor pulling 5-14's. Started about 7-8 PM in a half mile long 80 acre field. I always plowed in 5th gear, about 5-1/2 MPH with his diesel's, but had to run in 4th with the gas tractor, 4 to 4-1/2 MPH. I made 16 rounds in 4 hours and burned a tank of gas, about 32-33 gal, gassed up and went back out, 16 more rounds and was gassing up again about 4:30 AM when he came out to do chores! So close to 8 gal/hourwhen a diesel would do the same or more work on about 5 gal/hour.
WILLIAM - This old topic came up yesterday over @ RPM forum. http://www.redpowermagazine.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=58614

Like ALL things IHC, hydraulics on a Super A are an "option", only the serial number tells the difference for sure. Also the mounting holes on the torque tube for the Lift-all.

Topic comes up @ RPM forum about once a year about Super M-TA's without T/A's, are they really a Super M-TA or just a Super M. There actually were Super M-TA's built without T/A & LPTO and the decals on the hoods said SM-TA but do not have the flag that says, "Torque-Aplifier", and the serial numbers fall right into line with SM-TA's and have the proper codes stamped on them for "T/A delete" & "LPTO Delete".
Even as late as the summer of 1981 you could get 86-series tractors less T/A. They built a couple every week it seems. Not sure if the 3088/3288/3688/6388/6588/6788 was available less T/A since the T/A was used as part of the normal shifting pattern, no separate lever to control as all tractors with T/A built before. The 5X88's had a totally different transmission design.
Denny ,I had the plugs replaced in my 5.4 3 valve earlier this year. I got 1 out OK, but My Ford Tech, (#2 son) got Lisle #65600 plug removal kit from Weaver (Cheaper than Matco, his usual tool supplier.) It worked great & he broke almost all the other plugs.They were stubborn!! Amazon has plug pics showing with their tool offering.
Plug R&R took all Saturday A.M.
PAUL - I actually HIRED the plugs in the wife's car replaced, it's a 2 valve 4.6, not near the problem the 3V 5.4's are but with 140,000 miles on the factory plugs I didn;t want to risk the head-aches. SON has an '06 3V 5.4 and it only has something like 25,000 miles on it but I think he should R&R plugs next trip up here. Get some anti-sieze on those threads!

SON & I did the glow plugs in my PSD 7-8 yrs ago. The GP's heating tip can expand & stick in the head or get all carboned-up and twist off as you unscrew the GP. I was lucky, mine all came out fine. 4 of the 8 were dead. Also took about 4 hrs to do all 8. I did his buddy's '97 PSD about a year later, it had a Super-Duty inter-cooler and even removing all the plumbing for that I was done in about 3 hours, they all came out good too. Most guys remove the injector if they twist one off and beat the busted end into the cylinder and fish it out with a wire or grabber claw. Beats pulling the head!

Ford's new modular motors are an O-K engine, but spark plugs seem to be their weak point. They either blow out or bust off when you remove them!