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Look what followed me home

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Ooooh, I can hear the baby whining now.......

Looks like you'll be getting the smoker turboed sooner rather than later. Nice!
...Uhhhhh, I don't think so...

Turbo doesn't make enough boost in this application to open the exhaust waste gate, and it dumps out the pipe. Looks like Mr. Duck Call had a high side relief, not an exhaust dump......
That's funnier than all get out. Sounds like a dying duck.

Still planning on putting a turbo on the 1512? I'd love to put one on one of my smokers but just can't make up my mind yet..........
I've torn into my 1512 to get it into shape....and I've been doing my homework on turbos.
I'm picking up the pieces to convert it, but priority is on getting everything else gone through first.
Now I remember why I went back to Wide frames....this thing is a money pit!
Steve... what kind of boost do you get? Is there a limit on that engine? Are you saying Mr. Duck is dumping intake air or exhaust?

He should get between 11 and 14 psi so I`am told. should not be any more heat issue working it(more than the usual) unless the fuel screw is adjusted to give more fuel. These engines with a turbo don`t make enuf boost to open the waste gate so that duck call would not work on these diesels. and I think 26 hp is easy.
I hear ya on the money pit thing Rick! But man, it's hard not to love the purr of that smoker and the smell of diesel in the morning.

Can't wait to hear what you decide on the turbo setup. With your fabrication skills, shouldn't be too much of an issue.
The waste gate on the KP-31 turbo dumps exhaust off directly into the exhaust pipe (bypassing the turbo) to limit boost. I can only assume that the car in the video is dumping clean (intake) air.....not what happens on most diesels.....is it possible that the car is supercharged, not turboed????

When I start the install (soon), I will start a thread over on the CCC/MTD section of the forum.
Here we go, again! 17 days ago Jeanne went for eye surgery 35 miles away. While waiting for her I went to Mike's and Sons' who branched their Cub Cadet dealership in Fort Kent to Presque Isle about a year ago. All I wanted was the bearings that I'd ordered for the 2160 deck. Jon asked me if I wanted to take this 100, too! They'd taken it planning to fix it up and use it for advertising and became just too busy to deal with it, so here it is!


I cleaned the carb (no moisture in it, just dust), put a charged battery in it, cleaned the points and it started and putts away like a good little 10hp Kohler should.
Nice find Frank!
One followed me home today from about 100 miles away!
It's not as old as yours, but a good battery got it going.
I hopped on it and went mowing. Runs great.
I had intended to use it for backup parts for my other 128, but don't know now since it runs so good. Decisions, decisions.....

Looks like a keeper from here, Marty! Headlights are a plus. It doesn't happen to have hydraulic lift, too, does it?

Even if not, I see the hitch and helper spring in the main forum. Your herd just grew, I think.

Get that guy running and work it like a red headed step child. I (Dad rather) had a 128 coming up in the early 70s and it was/is (still have it) a great, dependable little tractor. Being the youngest I got to use it the most so it eventually became mine.


For $300.00 you're not gonna get a cub like that with a hydraulic lift unless your name is Charlie!

Yes, the herd is up to 12 for now.


No disrespect whatsoever. I really love cub cadets (I now have 12 of them), but there is no comparison to a commercial grade SCAG zero turn to mow with!
The 128 was fun to mow with, but if I used it instead of the SCAG, my mowing time would more than double.
Now for plowing the garden, a 128 cub cadet is the only way to go!

I wish I had a Scag. I might could plan a vacation then.

Our 128 was used mainly for grass back then but Dad did get the 3 pt, a turning plow, and a harrow but no electric lift...all strongarm and I have pains to this day because of that strongarm lift. That's why I'm only going hydraulic these days.

Keep collecting! And again, nice find!

Huh, lights ARE out in the main forum!

Neighbor called and asked me if I could give him a 30 mile ride to get a Harley that he'd just bought. He said we'd need the trailer so I thought we'd trailer the Harley home. When we got there he said "Oh, I'll ride the Harley home, I bought this 73 for you".
Old Frank has good neighbors!


Very nice 73!! So who was supposed to get a new light bulb for the main forum?