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Lets see all those off topic tractors

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If feel complete now...
I've poofed by charlie... I didn't get a "Poof" emoticon, though...

I wasn't trying to advertise, just for pictures of one of these patio tractors in nice shape for historical purposes ... really. They have been a topic on here before...

At least I tried to hide it...
Scott..."I was 'poofed' by Charlie...I feel complete now."
Now, either Charlie is Gawd, or something kinkey goin on around here.

I 'prolly should have taken the CL link off and copied the pics... In hindsight, of course
On the other hand, this emoticon
is almost as good..

How does it go,
"Thank you sir, may I have another?!?"
Good thing I don't take the Greenie bashers seriously or I wouldn't know how tough they really are. The little woman was mowing by the pond and getting as close as possible when she found the boat anchor and chopped it up a bit. No damage to the tractor or deck except a few flea bites in the gator blades.


And the only thing hurt was the anchor ! But a Cub would have picked it up and hung it on the radiator front as a sign of its masculenity!
Jerry, The blades not snapping off have to do with gator. So your bragging about getting your yard mowed with the green thing??? I'd be amazed too.
Naw he was bragging that HE didn't have to mow LOL

Kathy mowed once with a new push mower and found a 4x4 out of the ground 8".
She said something was wrong with it when she started it back up it shook real bad.
Crank stub looked like a horseshoe !
Jerry, what's that chunk of metal that's setting on the boat anchor?
All kidding aside, good thing no one and nothing other than the anchor was hurt.
here are a few from our county fair


not sure but cool

Ford Jubilee

and a deere with a gas V8 that reads Genereal Motors on the valve covers
Jeff, that second one down is a Power King. I believe they were at one time sold under the name Economy Tractor. Cool old tractors. Nice old Case as well. What's that I see in the background behind the Case? Looks like a Cub Cadet (or a Mini-Mo GT) and a full size IH. More photos please.
Kraig the small one in the background was a duetz-allis then a sears gt, and then my line of cubs and I believe the red one way back there is a 560 that was parked there.
I did not get many off topic pics but here are two more of the case and power king. Plus some in the backgroud, jd patio series had 4 colors here

Did a larger co. make the power king??


Okay.. Here goes. This afternoon after work i stopped at a local farmer's home to ask him about a CASE SC that until two day ago had sat in a grove of trees. His Dad pulled it out and I figured it was either going to be cut up or is for sale. They are John Deere people. The owner said it is for sale and if it isn't sold by July 1st he'll cut it up for scrap. I HOPE to have some pictures tomorrow of it. It needs new tires and I know it wouldn't take a whole lot to make it run. does anyone know of anyone that collects CASE tractors? I surely don't want to see it cut up for scrap and the last thing I need is something like that at my place... although it may come to that before I'll see it cut up. That would give me more time to find a buyer only then I'll have my money tied up in having a friend haul it to here. Any suggestions appreciated right now.

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